Page 51 of Stargazer

Resurfacing, she pushed back her soaking platinum hair and grinned at us once more. “Get your asses in the pool. Now.” She laughed to herself before leaning back and taking off across the water in a perfect backstroke.

I looked at the other—slightly more sane—members of our group with a raised brow, waiting for a confirmation as to whether we should join her. In answer, Carter pulled off his shirt and ran after his girl, plonking in the water with a large and dramatic splash.

I grinned, looking at the two remaining Knights.

The other compound vehicles would be a few minutes behind, but that didn’t stop me from taking my own clothes off before either Billie or Griff could protest.

Amusement and surprise glittered in Griffin’s eyes as watched me, hungrily taking in every inch of my body on full display in my matching purple underwear set.

But I was off, throwing myself into the sparkling water.

I wasn’t prepared for the cold bite that traversed through my body as I broke the surface. It awakened all my senses in the best way, and I savoured the serene, muffled blue silence of the world I’d dived into.

My senses remained awake and buzzing even after I made my way back up—largely due to the fact that I was greeted to the ridiculously delicious view of Griffin in nothing but his black boxers stalking confidently to the pool's edge. My eyes trailed every single movement, glued to him as he sat on the edge and lowered himself into the water, his corded muscles rippling with the controlled movement.

His eyes didn’t leave mine and I knew he loved every moment that I spent drinking him in.

I forced myself to look away, instead smiling at Billie who approached the edge and then dived in, ever the graceful athlete.

We needed this. A breather. A moment to just be.

When was the last time I felt this free? This happy?

We didn’t have long before the rest of the Knights arrived, Juliet and Tom following the sound of our laughing until they were outside staring at us in a combination of shock and amusement.

“Uh, hello?” Tom croaked with a confused smirk. His brown hair and eyes were lit with warmth from the summer sun.

His twin’s matching eyes were bright as she giggled demurely. “Well, that looks fun.”

Kit, casually floating on her back, responded with a simple, “I think I’m going to like it here.”

The others eventually settled in or joined us in the pool, clearly not expecting their mission to begin like this but simultaneously not complaining about the moment of calm before the storm.

When we eventually turned into prunes and decided to get out of the water, we lazed around the pool for a little longer as Griff and I informally briefed them on what we’d learnt during our time in Saint Claire, before deciding to order some food.

We sat in the open living area that took up most of the lower level of the house. The couches all faced on another, creating somewhat of a closed section. From where I sat on the sofa that Griff had occupied before our guests arrived, the white French doors to the pool were on my left. A large textured-grey fireplace was directly in front of me, bordered by more French doors on either side that opened up to the garden. A modern, yet homely kitchen—that was larger than necessary—took up the right side, with a massive stone bench dividing the area.

The space seemed intentionally built with the notion of hosting indoor-outdoor events, based on the kitchen’s proximity to the floor-to-ceiling doors and the twelve-seater outdoor dining table just past them. Not that there wasn’t an indoor dining table of equal grandeur on the pool side of the room. It seemed the options for hosting and feasting here were endless.

It was giving me summer-in-the-Hamptons vibes, but with a modern Mediterranean take.

A grand staircase leading upstairs to the rooms was just past the kitchen, closer to the front entrance. Somewhere under those were two doors: one leading to a huge study with countless books, and the other opening to a massive and fully stocked home-gym. It was kind of perfect for the task force.

All the furnishings and fixtures were in textured creams and soft greys with light wood, black accents and olive pops of colour. It was earthy and open yet raw. Luxurious and comfy yet minimal. Light and airy yet cold. A perfect and unexpected harmony and balance reflected in every element of the home. I was shocked to think that a place this big and beautiful wasn’t used to its full advantage.

Unlike the pack house, the property here was fenced off from the surrounding forest; a little gate at the back the only way to access it. Instead, the backyard was tailored and landscaped. Kept tidy and manicured despite its huge size and lack of occupancy.

I brought my attention back to the conversation that was being had as the task force of Knights picked on the array of food we’d ordered while we sat around the lounge. All eleven of us were scattered on the couches, chairs pulled from around the dining table, the floor, or any other sittable surface.

Mum had stopped by earlier to make sure everyone was well and truly settled before explaining the role she’d play in assisting Griffin with leading the squad and acting as Thea’s eyes and ears.

Similarly to Griff, the others had fawned over meeting her in the flesh, and his nickname of ‘Mama Stone’ quickly stuck—but more so among my friends who felt a bit more comfortable in using a pet name for a Knight legacy. The others weren’t quite so brave—or rather, were more respectful—instead referring to her as the safer option of Colonel Stone. For the purposes of this mission, Thea had forced her to reclaim her previous title and she accepted. At least for the moment.

“Mumma Stone is such a MILF,” Carter randomly confessed from his spot on the floor in a moment of silence between mouthfuls of noodles. With his legs sprawled under the coffee table, his back rested against Kit who was seated beside me on the couch.

“Yeah she is!” Kit enthusiastically agreed, nodding her head animatedly.

I laughed awkwardly. “This is so weird for me.”