She just shook her head in response, a delighted gleam dancing in her eyes. And I loved her more for it.
“Can you maybe not annoy the only wolf that will likely tolerate you?” I questioned, giving him a stern look.
“Oh, come on, Cosmo. She loves it,” he smirked, and Sky returned the sentiment before heading back to her training.
Griffin scanned their efforts with a glint in his eye, likely more than a little keen to get in on the action and possibly learn a few more tricks and techniques he didn’t already know—while of course getting a chance to kick their asses. Which he’d clearly wanted to do since the moment he arrived. Probably even earlier. He’d been conspiring to do so since my early days in the compound when he’d heard about the elusive Saint Claire pack. Especially after finding out about my relationship with their Alpha and how he’d hurt me.
I let out a sigh and looked to Riv. “Can you help us get a few things from the car?”
We’d left the equipment in the Jeep, waiting to get a few of the wolves to help us carry stuff in.
“Sure.” Warmth and sunshine seemed to radiate off him and he grinned happily at me. “Don’t you look cute in your little training outfit,” he added when he took in my black bike shorts and halter top. I had braided my long hair in two, hoping to keep it out of my way in the heat.
Speaking of heat, my cheeks did just that at his compliment.
“Thank you,” I smiled demurely at him. “Not so bad yourself.” It had been a while since I’d seen River’s brawny build. He was in nothing but grey cotton gym shorts, his body coated in a sheen of sweat from the workout he’d already done. The fact that Zander waited nearby with almost the same appearance told me they’d been training together.
“Put a shirt on,” Griff muttered in annoyance, his voice gravelly. Funny, those words coming from him.
Zander growled at him and then poked the bear by adding, “It’s nothing she hasn’t seen before.”
Oh my god, this toxic masculinity was going to kill me.
“She’s seen a lot better. Trust me,” Griff retorted, earning an even more vicious growl from Zander as River’s whole body seemed to go tense.
“What’s wrong, dog? Want to test that theory in the ring?” Griffin taunted, catching River’s shift in body language.
“Yes, actually,” River replied. “I’d love to.” His voice was lower than I’d ever heard it as he turned towards Griffin who was grinning like a mad man.
“Perfect.” The hunter took off his own shirt, revealing the bevels of his marvellously sculpted body.
I noticed the gazes of all the females in the clearing now focused on Griff and I tried my hardest not to let that slither of jealousy I felt rising in me show.
You truly have no right, Vee.
“You guys are going to do this right now?” I squeaked, realising what was about to transpire.
“Yes.” They both seemed to answer in unusual and concerning unison.
My brows raised and I looked to Sky for help. Her returning look held empathy but the shake of her head told me she had little sway when it came to the antics of wolf males.
I couldn’t let this happen.
“But Riv, you said you’ll help bring the stuff out,” I tried, my eyes pleading with him not to do this now.
He looked at me, breaking the eye contact between him and his challenger. Seeing the expression on my face and the fear laced in my features, his own softened.
I knew that eventually they’d spar together, but it felt too soon to be just a friendly match between the Alpha and the Knight captain. They’d both bring unfiltered, raw emotions into it and I was not ready to deal with the aftermath of that. Not yet. Not between these two.
“Please,” I begged. Asking him to not give into Griffin’s taunting right now.
“Okay, Vee.” He turned his whole body away from Griffin’s and towards mine.
“You do have a lot of ass-kissing to do to make it up to her,” Griff jeered. “And not in the way I’ve been doing for the last four months.”
River snarled at him; his golden gaze furious like I’ve never seen.
“Griff!” I scolded. “Stop. What the hell are you doing?” I felt my face flushing and my palms getting sweaty as I squeezed them tight, full of embarrassment and guilt and humiliation and everything all mixed into one overwhelming emotion.