I noted the sparks that trailed along my arm, radiating from the spot where her tiny wrist tightly held mine. I liked how firm her grip was as she pulled me further along into the forest that was growing more and more dense with every step. She must have know her way around here pretty well; a thought that I had to admit annoyed me. How many times did she frolic or whatever in these woods with that pompous ass? Had they done the deed out here? Fuck, that was not a train of thought I wanted to go down.
Speaking of the ass, I was not okay with how beautiful the prick was. I knew he was a supernatural and everything but fuck, did he have to look like that? I was not usually a self-conscious guy, not in the least, but this girl had me feeling things I’d never experienced before.
I understood how she fell for his whole ‘golden boy’ image. And it pissed me off to no end. He was all wrapped up in a pretty package with a nice, big bow. He seemed diplomatic too, even when it was clear he wanted to punch my face in.
At least I knew I got under his nerves too. I saw him size me up. Noticed the way his jaw ticked before he called off his guard dogs. I drove his beast wild; I could see it in his eyes. The threat of any man taking her away from him would drive his wolf crazy. Not to mention, someone that he knew would be better for her. Someone that she had more in common with, who looked out for her all these months after he’d broken her heart. It couldn’t have been easy; seeing me at his home.
I was half curious to see if his beast would come out to play, and a small part of me was a tad disappointed that it hadn’t. I knew he did it for her though. And honestly, I didn’t know if that made me hate him more or have some ounce of respect for the guy.
Either way, I wasn’t going to back down. Not when it came to my girl. I wouldn’t just sit back and watch her go back to him. He might have been fine to do that when she left him, but that wasn’t in my nature, even if it took me a minute to remember that. I was fighting for her with everything that I had.
Besides, I knew she felt the same pull towards me that I felt towards her. The one that dragged me across the fucking state to see her again. To get her back.
Halting, she turned to me now, seemingly deciding we were far enough away from the others.
“Griff, what on earth are you doing here?”
Her sweet yet husky voice infiltrated my senses. It wasn’t meek or scared. Perhaps confused. But it was strong. She was strong. And I loved that I got to witness her come to that realisation. That I helped foster and coax it out of her.
There was also a hint of attitude to her tone that made me want to push her up against the nearest tree and punish her lips with mine. It was so fucking sexy.
She was so fucking sexy.
My eyes trailed down the cropped cream tank top, brown shorts and bright white sneakers she wore—a practical outfit to combat the late June heat but she looked hot as fuck, the tones bringing out the warmth in her delicious caramel skin. I had to force myself to ignore the fact that she had worn this outfit out with him, to wherever they had been together.
At the intensity of my look, her strong demeanour wavered and she seemed to shy at my gaze, her golden skin flushing ever so slightly with the briefest hint of colour as she dropped her eyes.
“I came for you, Supernova.” There was no arguing with the conviction in my tone.
Her eyes snapped back up to mine.
“Wh-what do you mean?” She countered, nervousness taking over. Whether it was from what I had said or being in my proximity again, I wasn’t sure. But it was fucking cute.
“I mean …” I took a step towards her. And then another one, closing the distance between us. “That you are here. And therefore, it only makes sense that I be here.”
She swallowed deeply, her face tilting up to look at mine towering above her.
“You came for me?” She repeated, not quite believing it.
“I did,” I reassured. I slid my hands in my pockets, trying to keep my composure casual and unfazed when all I wanted to do was grab her. It took all my effort to keep them firmly pocketed.
She picked up her posture and schooled her face into one of annoyance that I knew too well and loved too much. “You attacked the pack,” she accused.
“They seemed fine to me,” I shrugged.
“These are still my friends, you know.” She seemed exasperated at my nonchalance.
“I know, Cosmo. But the brute asked for it.”
“Knowing Zander, I’m sure he did. But that didn’t mean you had to entertain it.”
“Oh, come on, baby. You know I can’t walk away from a fight.” I hoped she picked up on the double meaning there: that I couldn’t walk away from her.
That I’d fight for her.
Crossing her arms, she rolled her eyes and I almost got hard at the sight of my favourite expression on her glorious face. The smirk that reached my eyes could not be stopped. Nor could the heat in my gaze.
“Did Thea send you? Is the rest of the task force here too?” She fired questions as her mind worked to figure out what my presence here meant. “I didn’t hear anything from Kit or Billie about it?”