Page 15 of Stargazer

He led me to this little spot by a lake.

I was puffed out by the time we got there, stepping over trees and climbing down steep roots as we descended a bit of a valley, but when the view opened up no more than five minutes later, and I saw the sparkles that danced across the horizon of the water paired with the sun streaming through the gaps in the giant pines, I was truly breathless.

It was more like a little tarn; a small pool of water within a valley between the trees. The pines opened to a clearing of wildflowers before the terrain dipped down and smooth rocks replaced the grass, the dark turquoise water gently lapping against them.

Riv walked just ahead of me, laying down a beautiful thick orange blanket. I followed.

The little picnic he set up sat surrounded by a sea of tiny white flowers that contrasted the deep green of the grass, right beside one of the biggest pines I’d ever seen.

I wasn’t good with measurements, but I guessed it had to be at least 200 feet tall. Branches jutted out of it at every angle, looking like a majestic wooden spider from another world, with some lower branches arching down towards the ground that was blanketed with pine needles, creating a tent-like shelter large enough for us to frolic under if we wanted to. And trust me I wanted to.

Before I made my way to the blanket River laid down, I found myself subconsciously wandering to the tree, strolling under it and letting the rays of light catch me through the leaves as I took it all in, warming up my skin with glorious sunshine.

If I didn’t already believe in fairy tales and magic, I would now; tiny white blossoms floated around me from seemingly nowhere, like graceful little sprites dancing on the wind.

As far as I knew, faeries didn’t exist—in any form. Wolf shifters? Hunters? They were as real as could be. But faeries? I doubted it. Yet under this tree I truly felt like I was in some unknown Fae land, and the beauty of my surroundings made my heart swell with awe.

I let it engulf me, filling me with bliss.

When I finally turned towards River who was stretched out on the blanket, I saw he was watching me with a large grin on his face. He turned towards the sun and did the same, letting the sunlight bathe him, his lips tilted up in a beautiful smile.

This was his happy place. And honestly, I did miss it and all its glory.

He looked like he was exactly where he was meant to be, surrounded by a beautiful forest with the sun warming his bronzed skin. I pulled myself away from the majestic tree and towards the similarly majestic male. No matter what, I could never deny his beauty. So I gave myself a moment to take it in as I strode through the grass and blossom-filled breeze towards him.

The inviting grin River gave me was also nothing short of magical as he patted the spot beside him.

One by one, he pulled out the contents of the picnic, from pastries to a platter of fruits, orange juice and a bottle of Prosecco. My heart warmed at his thoughtful nature, that he had gone through all this effort just for me.

He poured me a mimosa and handed it over to me, his honey eyes shining with happiness at my returning smile.

The conversation flowed effortlessly as we popped food into our mouths and sipped on wine, just like old times. I told him stories about the new friends I had made and the skills I had learned. I told him about the city, from the stereotypes that rang true, like the lady on the train when I had a nightmare and the not-so-friendly taxi drivers, to the unexpected beauty in the hidden spaces and quiet moments.

I shared it all with my best friend of so many years. Told him everything about this journey that I had gone on without him.

My body unconsciously reacted to his light laugh and then again at his hooded gaze when I told him about my twin sais and he responded saying he needed to see me with them being a ‘badass warrior angel’.

And when we lay back on the blanket watching the clouds and our conversation shifted to the tattoos that he turned his attention to, I couldn’t help drawing closer to him. He lay flat on his back, one hand holding my arm out as the other traced each design, coaxing me into explaining the symbolism one at a time until he had made his way up my shoulder, making my arm cross over his chest where it ended in his fingers twined with mine.

When we had both gone silent facing each other, he moved his touch from the crescent moon on my shoulder to my cheek, pulling me imperceptibly closer until our lips touched. They stayed there for a moment. Unmoving. Just touching. Until we began exploring ever so gently. Slowly. Finding our place against one another again.

Familiar. Home.

Our mouths moved in sync. Tender and lovingly. Tasting and remembering.

Until I remembered another, and my heart dropped. I didn’t even notice the tear that slid down my face—my eyes tightly shut—until the salty wetness slid against our joined lips.

At the shock, I pushed on River’s chest ever so gently, separating us as I took him in.

There was warmth and love oozing from his gaze before it turned into shock and sadness at the wet streak down my face. He wiped it away tenderly with his thumb.

“What’s wrong, Angel?” He whispered in the gentlest tone I’d ever heard. One that cracked me further apart. Truly heaved my heart in two.

“I’m sorry, Riv. I’m so sorry,” I whimpered softly.

“For what?” He rubbed my cheek again.

“There’s someone else.”