Page 129 of Stargazer

This time, I held him captive. Not letting him leave until I had my fill.

And then he worshipped my body.

His mouth explored every single thing I had to offer as I squirmed underneath him, not able to contain my pleasure.

My hunter senses filled in the vision for me, illuminating the shape of his body with glittering particles that seemed to make up his essence—glowing silver. Showing me exactly what he was doing … and where he was doing it.

Still, I wanted to explore his body, so I let my fingers roam.

After I got a few touches in, he halted my hands, collecting them in just one of his and raising them above my head.

He held them in place, keeping me constricted and bound to his will.

He was driving this tonight. And I was completely vulnerable to him.

At the feel of him inside me, I cried out in bliss. Feeling like something deep within me had changed. Like the flame of our bond had burned away all barriers between us.

“Venus.” My name rumbled off his lips, just like that first time. But I was beyond words. Lost to him and the transformation within me. Within us.

My hands fought for freedom and he loosened his grip.

I pulled the blindfold off, wanting to look into those mesmerising eyes that had been in so many of my dreams as I gave myself to him.

Wholly and fully gave myself to him.

I knew that he was beyond a doubt my soul flame and we had just begun that process of tethering ourselves to one another. I could almost see the tranquil purple flame of my soul and the stormy silver flame of his joining together.

And I knew; I knew I made the right choice.

Not because of the way this male was doing things to me that made my soul soar out of my body. But because of the way he looked at me. The way he held me like I was the most precious thing he’d ever held. The way we broke each other's barriers down like no one else could.

I didn’t want to think about River right now, but for one single moment I allowed it, only to reassure myself that I knew deep down that he would be okay. He’d find his mate, just like I’d found this version of mine, and he’d be loved so deeply like he deserved, without question or hesitation or second thoughts. It would be a love like no other. Like nothing I could hope to offer him. And we’d all be okay.

When Griffin held me against his chest after, I thought things couldn’t get any more perfect.

But as he traced idle circles down my back, I felt his chest rumble in satisfaction.

“You know, this place no longer feels restricted or lonely,” he mused. “It feels full. Complete.”

I felt the words in every part of my body as they seemed to vibrate from him into my very being.

Lifting my eyes to his, I let him see the silver that lined my own. I knew his statement didn’t need a reply, but still I said, “You complete me, Griffin.”

I placed little kisses along his chest, and he held me tighter to him in response.

And I felt so full and whole. Like I never had before. The little flicker of fire—of his essence—in my chest, warming my heart even more than I thought possible.

We lay how we often did—finding a way to be out in the stars—on the small flat platform outside his windows, watching the winking lights in the night sky glisten like they were trying to communicate with us.

We’d spent essentially the whole morning planning and packing before we’d be off again. This time on a plane.

Griff cooked me dinner and we spent the rest of the evening out here, watching the sky turn from day to night before our very eyes.

“Dance with me?”

Griffin’s whisper broke the silence.

“We’re on the roof,” I retorted.