Page 125 of Stargazer

“Good to see you, Lieutenant General,” I replied with a small smile. I could have sworn she somewhat returned it.

Griffin nodded to his mother, keeping the talking to a minimum.

“Get settled but be ready to meet in thirty minutes,” she ordered.

“Yes, ma’am,” Griffin said, tone monotonous, before he placed his hand on the small of my back and led me through the door across from hers into the common room that I deeply missed—the Chill.

I could feel those silver eyes still on us. And somehow also felt when they no longer were, allowing myself to take a big breath. Thea’s energy was always a lot to take in, and it somehow felt like she commanded the room, taking some of the air with it. In small quarters like the hallway, that presence felt magnified.

My composure softened when I scanned the familiar surroundings of the Chill and all those plush couches I loved. As everyone was training, the area was mostly empty, save for a few Knights that were likely getting in some down-time post night patrol.

“It’s nice to be back,” I breathed out.

Griffin let out an amused snicker, like he couldn’t quite decide if he agreed or not, but continued to lead me upstairs to the Fourth: the level that housed his apartment.

Twenty-eight minutes later, we were washed up, refreshed and entering the strategy room. And for the first time, I’d be using this room for its intended purpose, sending a whole new range of nerves bubbling through me—separate to the butterflies that coursed through my body at the familiar sight of the round table. Being in here reminded me of the first few days I’d ever spent enjoying Griffin.

Those welcome tingles quickly faded and my gut sank when I saw Sienna sitting at said table beside Thea, Colonel Lennox and Major Harper on the far end of the room. Her brown-streaked blonde hair was pulled back into her signature tight pony. With those fierce feline eyes and the high-necked black tank top, she looked as striking and beautiful as ever.

Kitana approached where we stood in the doorway, having just arrived with Carter in tow, but quickly came to a halt when she also witnessed who was gracing us with her presence.

“Uh,” Kit made a disgusted noise. “Why’s she here?” She asked, keeping her glacial blue eyes on my frenemy.

Sienna’s answering glare didn’t disappoint. She didn’t bother replying to Kit, deciding the death stare was enough, before her eyes found Griffin’s face, lingered for a moment, and then lowered to meet my own.

“Good to see you’re alive,” Sienna finally said. Though her words held zero emotion.

I mean, her greeting wasn’t bad considering, so I returned the gesture with a small, tight-lipped smile that didn’t quite reach my eyes. “Nice to see you, too, Sienna.”

Walking past us and taking her seat next to Bleu and Winter, Kitana mumbled, “Wish I could say the same,” as she pulled Carter in the spot beside her. Then she turned to Griff and I with a pointed look at the available chairs on Car’s other side, far from Sienna.

I bit my lip nervously, feeling uncomfortable with all the sets of eyes on us.

But not caring how it looked, or the message that it sent, Griffin laced his fingers with mine and silently led me to our seats.

The rest of the meeting attendees were already here, sitting and waiting; our planned unit and a couple of officials, as well as a few more titled Knights. We were the last to treacle through. Meaning everyone, to my dismay, had witnessed that whole little awkward encounter.

There was a whole host of us seated around the table, the low hanging orange lights creating a dim eerie glow that was made more frightening when Thea spoke with pure condescension. “If you’re all done, may we begin?”

A chorus of variations of “Yes, Lieutenant General” sounded and she cleared her throat, leaning forward with her hands interlaced on the table. So very leader-like.

“We’re here to discuss the Aconite Hall mission. As you’ve already been briefed on, there is a planned ambush on the night of the partial lunar eclipse in ten days’ time.” Those cold, captivating eyes fell on the four of us before she said, “Our Saint Claire task force has done an exceptional job at gathering intel and figuring out how to work alongside the wolf shifter packs, with the help of Colonel Stone. Not to mention, have been pivotal in the formulation of the Restorer amalgamation with Major Harper.” Her gaze moved to Carter and then landed on the edgy major with the light brown skin, half shaved head of dark hair and multitude of piercings.

Thea continued, “As such, Captain Gray’s team will head the mission to Carrington, preparing the compound there for the proposed attack. I have spoken to and cleared eight days with General Theodore. In this time, you’ll utilise the resources Aconite Hall has to finish the Restorer and then assist them with defending the compound on the day of the eclipse, before returning back.”

Eight whole days in a whole new compound. In England.

I still couldn’t believe that this battle was being taken overseas. But we all nodded in response to the specifics of our mission.

At least I’d be with Griffin. I would have hated it if he'd been sent to do this without me.

I dared a look to my left to see him lazily slumped in his leather chair. He was listening, even though he looked like the picture of indifference. Sensing my gaze, his turbulent grey eyes slid to mine and he gave me a playful wink. Then his hand found my thigh under the table and squeezed, sending dizzying tingles through my body which I tried my hardest to ignore, forcing my attention back to our leader.

“Although Major Harper will be accompanying you, her focus will be on perfecting the formula. Captain Gray will remain in charge. I expect full daily updates as well as consistent and ongoing communication with the Saint Claire wolf pack and remaining task force.” She arched an ashy-coloured brow at her son who returned the gesture with an affirmative nod.

At the acceptance of her terms, she raised her chin. “Good.”

Not a single strand of that platinum, silvery hair of hers was out of place in the sleek, pulled back bun. And I had to wonder how she could be so still—so put-together—that not even her hair moved.