Already having discussed somewhat of a plan in our group chat on our walk over, Venus had volunteered to go back to the pack house with the injured and whoever we could spare. The rest of us would stay, keeping to the perimeters to make sure no rogues returned.
Zander and Car had saved one of the other targeted victims, but the shifter had escaped as a result. Axel and Aubrey had informed us that they’d been forced to take down another shifter who had been attempting to attack the final male we’d been on the hunt for. He was uninjured so they’d left him with Bleu and Tom who’d be making sure he conveniently forgot about his encounter tonight.
Dalton and Bear had taken on another group of rogues that they followed further into the forest, and Billie and Santiago were heading back towards us to reconvene after they’d lost a different one that they were tracking to a territory-splitting river.
Amelia had left Venus and Kitana so she could appear like she was helping the shifters after she had informed the girls of the army’s ludicrous plan—which we’d discuss in depth later. Blaze had seen her head towards the woods while she was moving the female victim to a car to drive back to the pack house, but no one else had seen Amelia since. We could only assume she’d linked back up with the one that had escaped—and attacked—Zander.
The Beta had stupidly let himself be stabbed with a version of the Deviators, or something similar, that the rogues somehow had at their disposal—an error he would not hear the end of from me once we were back and this night was over.
We’d have to keep this place and the surrounding areas on watch until the moon set and the sun rose.
It was going to be a long fucking night.
“Well, that was fucked.” Zan threw himself onto the oversized couch in the pack house living room when the rest of them got back in the early hours of the morning.
He had returned with me earlier and since then, Sage had done her best to try to keep him under her watch to monitor for any changes to his wolf-free state. But when he’d heard the others enter the pack house, her efforts to keep him put were futile. The Beta hated sitting still and hated not being included even more.
Nothing about his statement was wrong though.
There were so many more wolves than we expected, and so much we had learned … and just so fucking much. Not to mention Zander got injured … again.
Everything that Amelia had told us at the carnival … it was fucked.
My mother had also arrived at the pack house for a debriefing and had taken a seat on an armchair as she raked her eyes over everyone, checking for any other injuries. Thank God Celeste was okay. We’d forever be in debt to River for saving her life.
This was all just a lot.
Griffin dropped down on the couch next to me, throwing his arm over my shoulder and planting a kiss to my forehead in greeting. I smiled at him but then let out a dramatic sigh as I addressed the room. “What do we do now?”
“Well … we could go to Carrington? Pay a little visit to Aconite Hall,” Griff offered up casually.
I stared at the captain beside me in disbelief. He wanted us to go to the UK?
“Come again?” I asked, not sure if I heard him right.
Griff glanced at me and then looked at Carter. “Aren’t they known for their alchemy work and Healers? They have the most experienced and up to date technology, not to mention the Glass House, right, Car?”
Carter pushed back his blonde hair and removed the unlit cigarette from his lips before he answered, “That they do, my friend.” He stood, walking to the sliding door that led to the deck so he could actually light his comfort vice without one of the wolves yelling at him. Half standing inside but keeping the smoke out, he took a drag before he added, “They’d probably be able to provide valuable insights on why the Restorers are not working.”
Griffin looked contemplative. “I mean, I know a phone call could work just as well to warn them, but I don’t want to let those bastards get away with this without seeing it through myself. There’s obviously a reason the rogues are targeting the headquarters and I want to know why. I say a small unit heads to England. We visit Carrington, perfect the formula, ambush the rogue army and learn everything we can about what their motives are. Not to mention Theo probably has some knowledge about the rogues that we could use to our advantage. We need to figure out what it is that they want.” He looked at me, gauging my reaction. “Two birds with one stone,” he added with a shrug, like it was no big deal he was suggesting we travel halfway across the world.
Kitana picked at something on her nail as she spoke. “If Amelia was right, the rogues aren’t planning on wasting as many resources, if any, on Saint Claire anymore. Not that we should rely on that, but it does mean that we can afford fewer Knights and wolves on patrol here. So, if going to Aconite Hall will help in any way, I say we do it.”
This all sounded crazy. And I had no idea what the right move was, but Griffin had a point and there was clearly more to the story that we were missing. Maybe Carrington could provide answers that were vital to this investigation.
My mother was quiet this whole time, but I could see her cogs spinning, analysing everything that was being said. Both my sister and I clearly inherited that from her, although Celeste’s form of overthinking seemed more like mum’s in terms of being intelligent and critical.
Eventually, mum spoke up. “Griffin is right. It might be beneficial. We’ll have to run it past Thea and I’m sure they’ll have to inform General Theo. He’s not the easiest man to convince, but if you sell it more so as needing their aid with the Restorers, he’d probably be more likely to accept your visit. He’s aware of what’s going on down here.” Mum’s gaze landed on Griffin, softening from the serious, straight-faced expression of a colonel to one that was more motherly. “I’m sure he’d also want to see how his grandson turned out.”
Griffin rolled his eyes. “I’m not exactly jumping for joy with the thought of seeing him. But if that will help get us there, I’ll play along … at least until we’re at the premises.”
“I’m beat,” Zander yawned, throwing his large arm over his face to cover the light. No concern for the fact that he was changing the subject.
“Well, you did almost die,” Celeste countered, like she was just stating a fact. Which she was.