“I’ll take care of the girl and get her transported to Sage,” Blaze offered, attention still wholly on the bleeding female. “You guys go.”
I nodded. “Lead the way.”
A quick check of my phone told me that most of the others had found rogues to trail and had their hands full too.
How many of these fuckers were actually here today?
There had to be at least ten. But likely more.
With River in his wolf form, and me doing a pretty damn good job at matching his pace, it only took us minutes to get to Venus’s younger sister and the icy wolf that had befriended her. They were in a woodsy area like the one we had been in, just outside the perimeter of the festival, the lights of the event close enough to dimly illuminate the few surrounding trees before the brush got denser.
Raven’s dark grey wolf was fiercely holding back two tattered-looking brown ones, scarcely keeping them away from Celeste and the human guy she was protectively hovering above. The male was clutching his bleeding arm with wide, terrified eyes.
The younger Stone sister had the pure silver retractable staff I’d given her aimed at the growling beasts, ready to strike should one get past Raven’s defences.
She flinched when she saw Riv’s wolf approaching, clearly not recognising him in her current state, but then looked utterly relieved at the sight of me, putting two and two together and visibly calming.
Not wasting a moment, I gave River a nod towards Cel before I sprinted to Raven’s side and tackled one of the rogues down, blindsiding it with the ambush.
We went rolling and I lodged my kunai sideways into the snapping jaw of the wild animal, halting its attempt at chomping down on whatever body part of mine it could get close enough to.
The creature whined in pain and I smirked.
“Bad dog.” The jeer rolled off my tongue.
I risked a glance in the direction of River and Celeste, and my heart dropped when I saw three more rogues circling them. Even with the training I’d given Cel, she wouldn't last long if one got past the Alpha. She wouldn’t have even heard them coming—she didn’t have any hunter senses like the rest of us … at least not yet. But her staff was still poised to strike should they step any closer.
River bared his teeth at them, growling as he stood in front of Celeste in a domineering, protective stance.
Fuck. I couldn’t help until I got rid of this one.
Using its shock at the fact that its strongest advantage was immobilised, I quickly reached into the pocket of my cargos and pulled out a silver dagger while the beast was occupied. It was still snapping frantically, attempting to get my kunai out of its mouth. With the wolf basically still on top of me, I made the most of my unassuming yet advantageous position and plunged the blade straight into its heart.
The stillness was immediate.
Throwing its limp body off me, I flipped over, ready to run to their aid with my dagger in hand.
But River had done it. At least most of it.
The Alpha wolf was covered in blood, the substance even pouring from his maw. Two lifeless rogue bodies were scattered around him, again all missing parts of their flesh. A few dismembered limbs lay about too.
He looked menacing as fuck, his amber eyes slitted and his head swivelling in warning. When the third one ran at him, he shifted back into his human form and I baulked.
What the actual fuck was he doing?
But when the final wolf got close and leapt up at him, I saw the Alpha's hand grow claws and he sunk them into the creature, pulling its heart straight out of its chest cavity. The body fell to the floor with a thud and River stood there completely naked, letting the bloody heart drop out of his half-shifted hand and to the floor.
His body heaved from the exertion—the primal rage and need to kill that had taken over.
My brows were high as I looked at him with amused surprise. “Not bad. Not bad at all, Wolf,” I muttered with a slow, dramatic clap.
Celeste’s mouth was hanging open, but realising the Alpha was butt naked before her, she quickly averted her eyes to the human that seemed to have fainted beside her.
We were all quiet a moment. Then, to lighten the situation, but also because gross, I said, “Can you put some clothes on? Cover that up. Immediately.”
“Already linked one of the others, they’re heading over now with spares.”