“Ladies, we’re running out of time,” Kit warned. “We can’t risk being seen together for much longer. I’d give it no more than a few minutes. She’s been gone too long.”
I acknowledged Kitana’s valid concerns with a quick nod and then turned back to Amelia with desperation.
“Any idea on who’s running the show?”
She looked defeated. “Apart from our Alpha—no. They’re keeping it quiet. And the others aren’t attentive enough to notice but there’s definitely someone else. Either working with the Alpha or giving him orders. I’ve seen a second male figure pop in and out of some of our gatherings. He isn’t a proper rogue because he’s always in human form, so he can clearly shift. It almost feels like he’s a shadow, always hiding in dark corners. Essentially never visible, but there’s a presence I often sense. It feels like he’s always lurking around at the bigger gatherings, sneaking in and out while everyone else is distracted by the rogues and the Alpha. He’s always out before I can catch any details.”
Before I could reply, Kit's phone dinged and she checked it. I looked at her expectantly.
“The others have located the rest of the shifters within the festival and are securing the borders. Amelia, girl, they’ll probably be wondering why you aren’t helping them. You should go,” Kitana instructed.
Amelia sighed, “Yep, I’ll have to go play my part.”
I grabbed her hand again, wanting to touch her one last time to make sure she was real. To try to give her some of my strength and concurrently show her how grateful we were for all she was doing. Everything she was risking.
“Thank you so much, Amelia.” I knew I was trembling slightly from everything we’d just heard but I pushed it aside for the moment. I’d done that a lot with my emotions recently, so it wasn’t too hard. I squeezed her hand. “That information will be invaluable. Be safe and let us know if you need us to find a way to pull you out. River will do whatever he can.”
Her eyes softened as she took me in gingerly. “Thanks, Vee. I’ve got this. I’ll send updates as soon as I possible.” She touched my arm reassuringly.
Then an invisible mask fell over her lovely face, one of an extra bubbly girl meeting two others for the first time. Nothing more than a friendly stranger.
Straightening, like she was physically putting on the persona, she gave us a charming smile. “Well, that was so much fun. I better find my friends, but it was lovely to meet you both.”
“You too, hun. Hopefully we’ll see you around,” Kit replied, equally as chirpy.
All I could muster was a forced smile that didn’t quite reach my eyes.
The blonde British Knight and I followed the target that Amelia pointed out to a spot outside the commotion of the festival. A quiet area at the edge of the woods where the shifter girl who’d been undercover with Amelia had led him out to, under the guise of what I guessed was a make-out sesh.
It was exactly what I’d do if I was an evil, human-killing type of shifter. Credit where credit was due.
I pretended to stumble across them, and Carter followed my lead, casually lighting a ciggie.
She had the human pushed against a tree, throwing herself all over him. Which the dude clearly did not have a problem with.
What he did however have a problem with was us interrupting them.
Their heads shot up in our direction and the looks they gave us were what I could only describe as fucked off. I didn’t blame the guy; I’d be pissed too if someone ruined my chances of scoring. But we were saving bro’s life.
“Ah, fuck.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “Sorry man. Didn’t mean to cock block,” I called out to him.
The dark-haired female in his company glared at us and her nostrils flared, scenting us straight away. She’d immediately be able to tell we were a wolf and a Knight—assuming she’d had prior exposure to the unusual, slightly magical scent of the warriors in her time as a shifter.
“Uh … all good man,” he shot back, clearly confused, then went back to kissing her neck.
I took the opportunity to sniff her out too, getting a good whiff of her distinct scent. Definitely shifter. It was enticing; floral with a bit of spice—maybe pink pepper—and a hint of woodsy cedar. Something about it smelt slightly familiar, but maybe she was one of the wolves we’d come across before.
“Sorry, bud. I am going to have to cut in though,” I interrupted again.
“Excuse me?”
He looked downright irritated now. Carter watched me work with a glint in his eye, clearly enjoying the show. He didn’t even bother to hide it.
“Yeah, see, she’s a wolf who’s planning on biting the shit out of you and essentially ending your mortal life.”