Before stepping through the entrance, Griffin and River gave us our orders in the car park and we split up into smaller groups to cover more area.
Griffin seemed like he was more in his element these days, falling into that captain roll effortlessly. There was an extra oomph in his step and more pride in his tone as he commanded and trained. I’d noticed it for months, even when his frustration had been kicking in over the last few weeks before I’d chosen. He seemed happier here.
Despite our task at hand, I took in the hustle and bustle of the event and all the people enjoying themselves. Beside me, Griff was walking with purpose but didn’t hesitate to slip his hand into mine once River was out of sight. And for a moment, I wondered what our life could be like if we weren’t in the Knights. If we were actually here at this carnival because we wanted to be.
Maybe, one day. After this rogue business was behind us, when the normal life of the Knights and the occasional wolves were all we had to deal with. Life in the academy had so much more freedom when there wasn’t an impending war on our hands.
Griffin’s phone buzzed and he slid it out of his pocket. Picking it up with that leader's seriousness, he carefully listened to what sounded like Santi on the other side before calmly dealing out a few more orders and then casually re-pocketing it.
He turned towards me, ready to give me the update, but I cut him off with my own train of thought instead, feeling the need to voice my observation.
“You seem different here. Almost like you’re actually enjoying being a captain. A far cry from how bored you seemed at the compound.”
His expression morphed into a half smile. “That was until you showed up. Things got a whole lot more interesting when you strolled into the courtyard, Cosmo.” His gaze returned to observing our surroundings, even as he continued. “But yes, I guess I feel like I have purpose, being out in the real world rather than training recruits in a warehouse. Although, one specific recruit was extra fun to train. Especially with all that blushing she did whenever I’d touch her.”
He winked down at me. “Life has been infinitely more entertaining since I saw you from that fire escape. I don’t think I’d be here doing this if it wasn’t for you. And I quite like the fresh air. So, I guess I should find a way to thank you.”
He stopped me, not caring that we halted in the middle of the crowd, causing people to part around us. Instead, he just moved both his hands to my neck.
Taking his time, he let those turbulent greyish-brown eyes devour me as he slowly lowered his head.
Pushing his body further into mine, his hips met my own as he bit my bottom lip, playing with it between his teeth in the sexiest way. A little moan escaped my parted mouth, eyes fluttering shut as his teeth continued to nip teasingly. Then finally his tongue slipped in.
The taste of him caused my body to light on fire; that soul flame bond in full effect. A reminder of how good we were together.
The public display—and his disregard for it—only turned me on more.
I kissed him back, exploring his own mouth with equal efficiency, leaving no spot untouched.
Embarrassingly, I literally whimpered when he pulled away. But he left me with a few little parting kisses to ease me out of the trance he had me in.
“You’ll get more later,” he promised with hooded eyes and a seductive voice. “But for now, we have a mission to complete.”
I swallowed my arousal. “Yes, Captain.”
My sultry tone did little to hide my desire and his eyes darkened at my words. Lustful and excited.
“Don’t test me, Supernova.”
It wasn’t really a threat though. Not when I wanted whatever he would do to me.
He kissed me one more time, a punishing, rough kiss that lasted nowhere near long enough. A promise that had my pulse quickening. But I’d take what I could get.
After continuing to scan our surroundings for a little while longer, Dalton and Bear informed the squad that they’d picked up some rogue scents on the outskirts and were going to check it out. Billie, Santi and Winter were going with them. The central area was clear from what we could tell, and Bleu, Axel and Aubrey were keeping watch on the north end while River, Blaze and Tom kept close to the entrance.
If the shifters in the rogue’s command weren’t here yet, they’d be entering with the targets shortly if they wanted to take advantage of the larger, brighter full moon and swarms of gathered people. Considering that sunset had well and truly passed and moonrise was only moments away, we needed to be ready and alert. Riv and Blaze would be able to warn us the moment they scented them.
Sage and Tanner remained at the pack house. But this time Skylar, Koda, Juliet and Rose stayed back to patrol River’s territory, just in case the festival was some sort of diversion. All of the pack was back this month, taking a small break from their coalition mission to ensure we had all hands on deck.
To my dismay, Celeste had joined us tonight too. Griff had assured me she’d be fine with this many of us out and made sure she remained in the most populated areas with Raven—so I knew she was in good hands.
Meanwhile, we linked up with Kitana, Carter and Zander, who had just completed a sweep of the western side. Trying our best to blend in, just in case there were shifters we hadn't spotted around, the five of us made a stop at one of the snack stalls.
Kit, Carter and Zan went crazy with the animal-shaped cotton candy and a shit load of popcorn; which they mostly threw at each other, getting rowdy and carried away when one of them missed the handful that they were somehow supposed to catch in their mouth, leaving us all in hysterics.
Griff and I shared a hot chocolate, though he only had a few sips, staying on high alert even while involved in our antics.
He surprised me by stealing a handful of Kit’s cotton candy fashioned to look like a cat, pulling off and feeding me the whole ear from the sugary substance when she was distracted.