Page 63 of Stargazer

She was smiling and happy and gods, that was all I wanted.

Hearing her bright laugh again made my wolf purr like a freaking cat.

Having the Knights here, having him stay at her house and not knowing what was happening there, having meetings and strategy sessions and all these hindrances between us, seemingly working against us, I wasn’t sure if we’d get another chance so soon to just be us. And now that we had, it had solidified that we could be great again.

We could work. Just like I had always hoped. Her hunter status and my being a wolf, it didn’t have to wedge itself between us. We could be the hunter and the wolf, but also the boy and the girl that we’d always been.

I wanted more than anything to kiss her on the doorstep when I dropped her home. Wanted to pull her into my arms and never let go. Wanted to show her how much I appreciated her being back and the second chance she was giving me.

My wolf wanted her back in every possible way. Wanted to bask in her being ours again. Wanted to look after her, and protect her, and cherish her, and love her like we were so used to doing.

But I knew we weren’t there yet. As much as I wanted us to be.

I settled for pressing my lips against her cheek, allowing that soft touch to be enough for now and not letting it dim my spirits.



Today was the day. Or rather, tonight was the night.

Every night since I’d been back, I’d looked to the moon as a countdown, watching the shadows cross the bright white rock like my life depended on it.

I had spent more than half of last night sitting on the roof with Griffin, watching the moon arc across the star-littered sky, its bright glow—only a day away from being full—a foreboding symbol that had been haunting my dreams.

The hunter that always seemed to be by my side had tried his hardest to distract me.

It mostly worked.

We spoke for hours about everything and nothing. And when talking didn’t feel right, we sat in silence, watching the stars glisten and glitter before our eyes until my own fluttered closed with exhaustion.

Griff had attempted to carry me off the roof and to my bed when I’d fallen asleep, but I stirred in his arms, awaking enough to get myself down with his arm slung supportively around my waist until we safely entered through the window of his room. Then he ignored my incoherent babbling and half-hearted objections and picked me up anyway.

I was asleep again in his strong, capable arms before he even crossed the threshold of my room and tucked me into bed.

When I awoke this morning with bleary eyes, a cup of coffee graced my bedside table, and I could have cried at the beautiful sight.

We had our plans in place. Everything had been discussed, torn apart and then discussed some more.

There was nothing to worry about. In an ideal world.

But I had faced a rogue once before and I had choked. And the weight of that still burdened me. I was lucky to leave that situation alive.

Thanks to Griffin, I had.

Which was exactly why my nerves wouldn’t settle until this night was over and every one of us came back alive and mostly unharmed. I wouldn't accept any lives lost tonight. I just wouldn’t.

Needing to finalise our weaponry, Griffin drove us to the Saint Claire HQ—which was what I’d been calling the Airbnb.

Given how much we spoke last night, the ride over was quiet and I knew it was because Griff was giving me space to internally cope in whatever way I needed. When that was silence, he respected that. Most of the time.

Plus, I knew he’d be going through the plans, step by step, in his head too.

Given that Celeste was still new to the whole training thing, she would stay home. Safe but also armed to protect herself if necessary. For now, that seemed like the best plan for her.

Entering HQ, my first move was to make more coffee. Stat.

Billie and Kit joined me around the stone kitchen bench.