Alright, fine. He was good for a lot of things. But he didn’t need to know that.
Disregarding the flushed blonde who looked up at me from his spot between my legs with bedroom eyes and a self-satisfied smile, I lay my head against the window of his car. I was seated against the door in Carter’s backseat and somehow the guy was crouched in the footwell and still managed to make it look sexy as he leaned over me. His chains brushed my inner thigh from where they dangled, the cold metal pebbling my skin in the best way.
But I couldn’t wholly concentrate on the pleasure. Which really annoyed me.
I stared blankly at nothing. My mind on Griffin.
And not in a sexual way.
I’d rather die—
No, scratch that. I’d rather have no sex for the rest of my life.
Not only was my lifelong friend like a brother to me, but he was my bestie’s boy toy. At least he was.
Or is?
Honestly, it was hard to keep up with them.
Point being, he was off-limits. Not that I had ever wanted to test those limits after one horrible kiss as awkward pre-teens.
I was thinking about Griff solely because the ass had tailed it out to the sticks to see said mutual bestie without even telling me. And I was still fuming. Even a week later.
To make matters worse, when he did eventually tell me —while he was driving, mind you—I couldn’t even message Vee about it because Griff was making a super cute, super romantic and super un-Griffin like grand gesture.
So I had to settle for bugging Billie about it and asking her every fifteen minutes during training if she thought he’d be there yet and if I could check in to see what happened.
From what I’d briefly heard from a very-surprised, very-confused and undeniably-excited-but-playing-mad Vee, it didn’t make her automatically jump right back into his arms. Of course, that was just via text because the girl was too busy to talk. But I was dying for a full update. Not the brief messages and harmless scolding I got in its place.
The whole thing would have been a much-needed hit to the boy’s ego. Something I would have paid good money to see.
The girl sure did ground him. They were kind of perfect for each other.
Which was why I had shipped them from the very start.
Part of me was proud of her for standing up for herself and not taking shit from no man. But the other part was disappointed for Griff, who was finally showing that softer side of himself that he usually hid.
I was rooting for him. For them.
I mean, I knew the guy freaked out and walked away from her, but she did also tell him she was going back to see her ex-boyfriend—who had been the love of her life or whatever and was no longer an evil murderous beast like we had thought. Meaning getting back together upon her return was likely still on the table.
That’s got to hurt a guy. Not to mention a guy like Griff, who had never fallen for a girl in his life and had finally opened up to someone.
But I was also there the night she found out about the rogues and everything, and I knew just how much the news affected her. Just like I knew how torn up she would be about everything right now. She had every right to take her time and think things through.
He also needed to figure out how to voice his emotions and deal with his issues like a big boy.
On another note, I was still reeling from the fact that he offered to go with her. It was totally cute of him.
While I might usually suggest space, she’d had her time on her own to make her apologies.
Regardless of the fact that I was rudely not asked to give council on his early departure, not to mention was clearly salty about not going with him, I wouldn’t have deterred him or suggested otherwise.
I thought it was a great idea: show her that you care and remind her that you’re still in the game.
That’s what I would do.
After all, one couldn't forget about someone when they were right up in their face—a tactic that I often used on Carter in the past. Although, with us there had been a lot of games played to keep things fresh and avoid monogamy before we eventually gave in. So, I guess they weren’t totally comparable situations.