So maybe I needed to give him a break.
But today did not go well. And I was fucking stressed.
Being the middleman and needing to douse the situation wasn’t easy for me. Especially right now when they both expected me to pick a side. Both expected an answer that I wasn’t ready to give.
I wasn’t sure how I was going to continue to do this.
And while I appreciated Griff coming here to help me, coming for me, I wasn’t sure if it would have been better if he didn’t. If he just let the task force that was already planned come on their own.
But then that meant that I wouldn’t get to have this time with him. To have him here. To show him my life.
And it was selfish, but I wanted that.
Even though it made things harder for River.
Riv obviously knew that I had slept with someone else while I was gone. That I’d slept with Griffin. But it didn’t need to be shoved in his face.
The embarrassment from the debacle lingered.
As did an underlying fear.
This time it had ended fine. River had walked away. But what would happen the next time Griff taunted him?
I couldn’t stand the thought of either one of them getting hurt because of something so menial and dumb. And because of me, no less.
At least Zander had seemed to develop some newfound respect for the Knight. And Zander’s hot headedness definitely exceeded River’s. The Alpha was thankfully patient and even-tempered.
It was unusual to see Zander so worked up though. He was normally so silly and carefree. But when it came to defending his Alpha, he was extra touchy. Hopefully their little truce would bring back the normal Zander we knew and loved … and constantly got annoyed with.
The tub filled and I dashed a healthy dose of bubbles in before lighting a candle and putting my hair up in a messy bun. When my toes hit the water, I jumped back at the heat before adding a touch more cold in, hoping I didn’t screw up that precarious balance and that it wouldn’t overflow when I got in.
I sighed in relief as I settled down in the comforting warmth.
Finishing my wine quicker than expected, I soaked for a while. My eyes tired, chest warm and head slightly buzzing.
The door clicked open, and I looked up in pure shock when Griffin slipped in. I hadn’t locked the door. I was so used to a house full of females that didn’t care too much about personal space.
When I gathered myself—my brain slightly slower than normal due to the alcohol haze—I quickly brought the bubbles closer to ensure I was fully covered.
“Griff,” I quietly hissed, not wanting to draw the attention of my mother who was likely only a few rooms away.
This was the first word I’d said to him in hours. Not since training finished and we left the packhouse. I had made him sit in silence the whole drive home and didn’t say a word to him when we entered the house, heading straight for my room and slamming the door in warning not to bother me.
I knew I was probably being overdramatic, but I was disappointed in his behaviour. Although, honestly, I didn’t know why I expected anything else from him. He was itching for a fight. And he got it.
That devilish grin that I simultaneously knew, loved and resented graced his face and a flash of silver crossed his eyes as he took me in. And then took in the bubbles I’d strategically placed.
“What, Supernova? It’s not like there’s anything I haven’t seen before.”
My cheeks heated and he meandered closer until he perched himself on the tub. He took in the empty wine glass and chuckled. “Looks like you’re having a good time.”
I forced a glare at him. “I was.”
A serious expression took over his playful one.
“Are you okay?” His voice was uncharacteristically sombre and worried.
I kept my expression neutral but focused on my page in the book instead of him. “Yep. Great. Fine.”