Page 133 of Stargazer

“I’m sure Venus is a lovely young woman and is deserving of your choice,” the General said in response.

Looking back at him, he was staring at me with kind eyes now and a smile that seemed genuine.

I offered him a small smile back. “Thank you, sir.”

“Your mother was an exceptional woman and hunter. It was unfortunate when we momentarily lost her to that wolf. But I’m glad to see you’ve taken after her and not your father. The hunter gene does hold strong, after all.”

He said the words with such pride. I didn’t think he even realised that he’d also put the wolves down and offended my father all in that one sentence. It was just built into his nature. Was all he’d likely ever known his whole life. So I understood where he was coming from, even if I did not like it one bit. I didn’t hold it against him.

A small nod was all I could muster by way of a reply though.

The leader of the Knights took a long sip of his wine as he examined me. “I’m intrigued, Miss Stone. Tell me, what gifts, if any, have you manifested?”

“I haven’t noticed any special hunter gifts,” I responded truthfully.

But Griffin casually offered, “She’s exceptionally strong.”

I whirled towards him, scanning his face for some sort of explanation. He just nodded at me and quietly said, “You are, Supernova,” rubbing my thigh under the table.

I knew I looked puzzled as I continued to stare at him. I wasn’t stronger than a normal hunter though. I didn’t know what he was talking about.

Looking at this grandfather with nothing but pride in eyes for me, he added, “She’s almost had me on my ass on numerous occasions—from her first time accessing her powers. She’s stronger than most of the male recruits in our compound.”

“No, I’m not,” I said, confused.

“You are.” He said the words with such conviction that I didn’t bother to fight it further. But his eyes held a fierceness and hunger in them as they devoured my own that told me he thought it was the sexiest thing he’d ever witnessed, making my cheeks redden all over again.

“I knew she’d be an excellent Knight,” Theo exclaimed with bright eyes. “And who knows, more powers might yet emerge.”

Drastically changing the topic, the general scanned the other Knights who’d come with us, looking over Major Harper, Carter, Kit, Winter, Bleu and Sienna. “It really is something to have such young, bright warriors here. Especially ones under my grandson's command, not to mention his close friends.”

He proceeded to ask Carter and Kit about their families and how they were getting on, mentioning Kitana’s parents were doing a remarkable job at the Kyoto compound, and that he had high hopes for her too. I didn’t blame him—Kit, as well as Billie, had bright futures ahead of them with the Knights. They were totally badass and extremely skilled. I knew they’d be running things one day.

We casually chatted to the Carrington hunters across from us while we ate, Sienna joining in and seeming weirdly comfortable here.

When the General was quiet, I noticed him watching Griffin with intrigue. After a little while, he cleared his throat, earning a quirked brow from Griff.

“I’d like to show you around. Take you under my wing while you’re here, my boy. Make sure you are ready for when the time comes that you take on your own compound. Or take over this one,” Theo proposed, gesturing to the room around us.

“I’ll pass. I’m not here for that.” Griffin played with the vegetables on his plate, stabbing a roasted potato casually and then throwing it in his mouth as he defiantly stared down his grandfather.

Theo looked at him with disappointment. “Why did you come then?” His tone held amusement, like the question was some sort of test.

Griffin smirked. “To make sure those bastard rogues don’t tarnish the Knight’s name by taking this place down.”

“Our people have been around and thriving for centuries. You think these rogues have a chance? You’re a great warrior, son. I know that to be true. I’m pleased to have you by our side, fighting where you belong. But the Gray Knights won’t be taken down now or any time soon.”

His proclamation held confidence, like he had no doubt in his mind that what he was saying was one hundred percent true. Like he fully and wholly believed it. I didn’t doubt that he did. But that didn’t make it true.

Griffin wasn’t having any of it. “Considering that they are targeting Aconite Hall to explicitly see The Gray Knights burn to the ground, I wouldn’t be so sure. You should hold back. Let the rest of us fight. That’s the reason we’ve come. To protect this estate everyone speaks so fondly of. To protect you, old man, and the legacy of the Knights that unfortunately relies on you. They need you alive.”

Theo laughed at Griffin’s suggestion that he not fight in this battle.

“You are the heart of the Knights, General,” Louis offered his official. “Maybe it’s wise?”

“Don’t be absurd. I am The Knight. I will fight.”

“At least be smart about it and remain within these walls. Fight from here, as a last resort. Not at the front lines,” Griffin suggested, his tone more than a little demeaning.