Page 131 of Stargazer

“I’m more than okay with that,” I said in response to the male who constantly heated my blood, my voice husky and breathless from his words.

Grabbing the front of my neck, he tipped my head back towards his so his lips hovered above my own in a whisper of a kiss, leaving me hungry for more. I let out a frustrated moan and his breathy chuckle tickled my lips, but he gave me what I wanted: a thorough, passionate kiss as he towered behind me.

Remembering where we were, I pulled away, biting my lip to stop myself from demanding more. Instead, I grabbed his hand and led him towards the entrance after another quick moment of taking it in.

He made an annoyed grumble from somewhere deep within his chest but followed anyway, making me smile to myself; I still could hardly believe I had the mighty Griffin Gray wrapped around my finger.

Just like I was equally wrapped around his.

My thoughts immediately ceased and my jaw dropped at the intricate detailing of the front foyer.

The inside was even more beautiful than the outside, with so much character that a modern house could never replicate. Gothic architecture with renaissance elements greeted us, with intricately detailed wall lights and traditional carved filigree cornices and mouldings. But the main attraction were the decadent twin stone staircases on either side of the foyer, leading up to the second level. And of course, the ornately decorated windows that graced the walls—some so high up you’d never be able to reach them.

Who cleaned this place?

I desperately wished I had my camera. I could spend hours exploring and capturing a place like this. My phone would have to suffice for now though.

Long arched hallways with rows of more windows branched out from our left and right, leading to what I assumed would be the rest of the manor—probably other wings with the kitchen, dining areas, lounges and maybe even bedrooms. The afternoon light seemed to glitter in through every single window, illuminating the dust in an ethereal way.

It was terrifying and magnificent and grand.

I wondered if they had one of those classical libraries, complete with the rolling ladder, and I knew if Billie was here she’d accompany me to find it and bathe in its glory. I would make it my personal mission to live out my Beauty and the Beast fantasies during our time here. I’d happily spend my days trapped in that library. Especially if Griffin was my beast.

A tall dirty-blonde male Knight, with kind yet piercing blueish-green eyes and a charming smile, came out of one of those hallways and greeted us at that moment, immediately offering to show us around and get us settled in before we’d meet with General Theo for dinner.

For the next hour, Louis, our new British Knight friend, gave us a grand tour while chatting casually to Griffin and Carter, Kitana and I slowly following as we absorbed it, wonderstruck.

The place was as massive as it seemed from the outside. The older interior elements were somehow perfectly combined with modern pieces—some made to look old—and the darker colour scheme brought a quality that was very reminiscent of the New York compound. It was edgy, luxurious and elegant, with a little old-world charm and just a hint of creepiness. But it really was beautiful.

Louis introduced himself as one of Theo’s captains, reminding me of a blonde Griffin—considering that he couldn't be more than twenty-five or twenty-six and had managed to work his way up the ranks quite quickly.

When I’d mentioned my own name, he’d been excited to learn I was a Stone, reverting to calling me that every time he’d addressed me thereafter, with a tone that held reverence and respect. It was extremely weird to be treated like I was special because of the name I carried, even though I could tell it came from a good place with the Carrington captain.

With how pretty it sounded in that fancy little British accent of his, I wasn’t complaining.

At the conclusion of our tour, when everyone had been shown to their respective rooms, Louis led Griffin and I to a larger wing of the manor.

“You two have rooms down this hall,” he informed us, taking a moment to smile down at me as we stopped in the corridor. With his blonde crop of waves, scruffy stubble and charming accent, he gave me major Alex Pettyfer vibes; and he’d be totally cute if I wasn’t deeply infatuated with the dark-haired Knight behind me.

Before I could reply, Griffin stepped to my side possessively. “We only need one.”

Every time Griff made some sort of declaration that claimed me, I fell a little harder. I guess I was the type of girl that liked a boy to be greedy for her.

Louis raised his hand to rub the back of his neck awkwardly as his expression turned shy and a little uncomfortable. “Ahh … of course. We’ll get Stone’s stuff moved to your room immediately, Gray. Sorry for the mix up.” He looked between us again before he added, “Message received.”

Now it was my turn to look embarrassed. But Griffin looked pleased. He brushed his fingers against mine and I intertwined my fingers with his.

“Bring mine to hers,” Griffin stated instead.

“Of course.” Louis pointed to the one on our left. “That one is for Miss Stone. If you do require your own at any point during your stay, it’s the next door down.”

“Thanks, but no thanks.” Griffin was already moving towards my room.

Louis started to retreat. “I’ll leave you to it then. We’ll see you in the Dining Hall at 8pm,” he said as he waved his goodbye and disappeared down the hall, leaving Griffin and myself alone for what felt like the first time in too long after the two flights with a handful of companions—including Sienna, who made her presence well-known despite her giving us ‘space’.

“Alone at last,” I breathed out, giddy from the attention Griffin was giving me now that our new friend had gone.

“Indeed, Supernova.” His deep tenor traversed through me as he spun me around and crowded me into the door, running his nose against the column of my neck. His hands reached behind me to the handle as he did so, opening it up to my suite.