Page 127 of Stargazer

The reason behind my giddy smile was clear as day. And it felt freaking amazing to have that clarity. To hear those words.

I wasn’t going to question it or probe any further, some stupid part of me scared he’d change his mind—even though I knew he wouldn’t after all we’d gone through to get here.

He went about it in the most Griffin way possible: confident and smug. But that was one of the many things I found attractive about him. I loved every facet of who he was.

Griffin Gray was my boyfriend.

Early-compound-days-Venus would be beyond shocked right now.

And thinking about that, despite my initial thought not to question it, I felt the need to give him some early-compound-days-Venus attitude. So I mockingly called out, “I would probably agree … if the heir of The Gray Knights had a girlfriend.”

“He does.”

I choked out a laugh. But my smile was blinding as I said, “Ever the confident male.”

By the time I made it up, he’d already strolled into his closet. He ignored my statement and continued with his previous train of thought.

“What’s the point of being a captain and having all this space if I can’t share it with you?” My heart did little somersaults in my chest. “Not to mention, if anyone dared talk shit, they’d cop it from me in training.”

Leaning on the doorframe on his way out, the cheeky, shit-eating grin that I adored graced his face. My eyes trailed over his shirtless form, a pair of boxers the only thing covering his lightly tanned expanse of skin.

I gawked at the shiny plastic over what looked like a new tattoo, completely changing the topic. “What’s that?”

“Just something new to add to the collection.”

With his chest on full display, I stepped closer, standing on tippy toes to get a good look at his new ink.

Just above his butterfly he had gotten a little sun that seemed to be setting—or rising—over the horizon, complete with little rays of light. It was beautiful and the location on his sternum was sexy as sin.

“The heart of the solar system,” he said by way of explanation. His hands delved into the back of my hair, tangling into the strands as he aimlessly played with them. The gesture was so cute and had quickly become one of my favourite things. He did it all the time, without even realising it. Even back when things were just casual between us. I was so aware of him that I noticed. Every. Damn. Time.

“Inspired by you,” he added. “My bright star.” His thumb came up and rubbed my lip as all his attention focused on the curves he was tracing.

I swallowed.

“Griff.” His name was a plea in my mouth, said with so much love and adoration and awe.

“Yes, baby?”

“It’s beautiful.” I didn’t know what else to say. What words would possibly suffice right now. Not to mention the air in my lungs felt dangerously sparse, making words difficult to articulate.

“So, do you want to stay here with me or what, Supernova?”

“Of course,” I breathed out.

“Good. Then stay.”

Smug prick.

But that smug prick was my smug prick. And I kind of loved him.

“Wait right there,” he said suddenly.

I gave him an incredulous look but obliged as he walked back into his closet to retrieve something.

A moment later, he walked back out with the black silk blindfold he’d used to help me access my hunter senses.

“I promised I’d show you some other uses for this.” His eyes sparkled with mischief, but I frowned at it.