I chewed my lip. “Well … I didn’t necessarily confess it to him in words. But my actions hinted at it. I didn’t actually tell him until yesterday morning, when we both couldn’t sleep thinking about … ah … said actions …” I trailed off, hoping they would catch my gist.
“Vee!” Celeste scolded. Kit’s jaw was wide open, taking in what I’d just admitted with what was clearly shocked delight. Billie’s brows were high on her face and Skylar was desperately suppressing a laugh.
I shot my hands up in surrender. “I know, I know.”
“Way to give the poor guy mixed signals!” My younger sister continued to chide me, shaking her head. I had to admit that I loved how protective she’d gotten over Griffin already, like she’d fully accepted him and had his back.
“Trust me, I know. I mean … I realised. I didn’t mean to, but I had mentally made my decision and was forcing myself to hold off until River was back. And well … we were alone, and there was a storm and water and we were drenched and … I couldn’t help myself, okay?!” I huffed in frustration. “I’d been holding back for so long. And fuck, has it been hard. Especially with him in this house every day,” I gestured around us, “being so domesticated with all the cooking and the making coffee and the cleaning. I couldn’t resist anymore.”
“I mean, fair,” Sky shrugged with glittering eyes. “I’m glad you made your choice, Vee. I hope this gives you the peace and happiness you deserve. And River will be okay, in time.”
I offered her a smile. “Thanks, Sky. I hope so. This wasn’t an easy decision to make, and I feel awful.”
She leaned forward and reached out to me, grabbing my shoulder. “I know you do, honey. But you shouldn’t. And I’m sure River told you just that,” she said, giving me a knowing look.
“He did. He took it really well.” I let out a relieved exhale.
“Alright, alright,” Kit was gesturing excitedly with her hands, trying to calm herself down. “But how was the sex? Did it feel right?”
“Where’s mum?” I directed at Cel, not wanting to divulge the details with my mother in ear shot.
She waved me off. “She’s out. Can’t remember where she said, but I recall something about running a few errands and then needing to stop by HQ. She’ll be a while.”
Mum was out more often now. It seemed that with me being back—with both her daughters home—she had retreated out of her shell again. Never mind that there were rogues terrorising the town. That was just a normal day for her. But she seemed like she was doing well having more responsibility and purpose in the Knights again. Like she’d also re-found herself. The pep to her step and inner glow was proof. It looked good on her.
Relieved she wasn’t around right now, I let it all out. There was something so therapeutic about having girlfriends to talk about this stuff with.
“Fuck was it good. I wasn’t sure if that was because it had been a while for me. Griffin was my last and that was months ago. But every time with him has always been insane. Not that it hadn’t with River—we never had a problem there.”
Skylar let out that giggle she’d been holding back. “Yeah, I can attest to that. My ears will never recover.”
I blushed. “I’m so sorry.”
Her toothy grin was magnificent. “It never bothered me. It’s natural and wolves can get a bit wild. Living with three boys, who happen to also be wolves … let’s just say I had to get used to it early. We’re a carnal bunch—animal instincts and all that.” She gave us a what-can-you-do? shrug.
Kit blinked a few times as she looked at my beautiful wolf friend and took in what she said with pure Kitana curiosity. “Damn, now I wish I lived at the pack house,” she pouted.
“You live in the compound. It's basically the exact same for us. There’s zero privacy and essentially no rules,” Billie chimed in, exasperated.
“True,” Kit shrugged. “We digress. Please continue, Vee.”
I shook my head at how ridiculous my friends were, but Cel was the one who said, “You’re all crazy. I’m surrounded by crazy, horny people.”
Her extremely accurate comment earned a bark of laughter from the rest of us.
“You have no idea,” I replied with pure amusement. “It’s been an adjustment dealing with everyone’s obscene salaciousness, but more than that, their openness to it. Yet here I am … Kitana has really rubbed off on me.”
The mentioned female sketched a bow from her spot on the floor which she’d resorted back to, pleased with herself beyond a doubt.
“Anyway,” I continued, "I don't know what it is about the guys in my life, but damn, they’d been so good. I’m not saying they’re unnaturally gifted, but I’ve only slept with two guys and let’s just say I am two for two.”
“Yeah you are!” Kitana did a little silent, excited clap of glee.
“I forgot what that fire, that was purely Griffin, had felt like. And I’ve been missing out these last few months—which truly was a sacrifice considering what he has to offer.” Gosh, Kit really was rubbing off on me. “Thank the higher power for whatever magic blessed him,” I added.
Getting laid again was doing weird things to my brain. But more than that, it was the excitement and prospect of having it all with the warrior male now; the relationship, the soul flame bond. Him.
My lascivious friend nodded enthusiastically before laughing to herself. “Explains the absolute pep in his step he’s had since then. Guy gets laid and all his doom and gloom brooding jumps out the window.”