One with a beating heart.
Her eyes still bore into my own and the silence stretched between us. But then she swallowed. And for the briefest moment, I felt my fear ride back to the surface. Fear that the shit with Sienna would be what deterred her. Fear that she’d change her mind—reject me.
I held my breath, waiting for her to say something.
Only she could ever ignite such fear in me.
“I choose you too, Griffin.”
And just like that, that beating heart was going to burst right out of my fucking chest.
I didn’t realise how much words could affect me. But fuck I loved those ones.
I rushed into her so fast I knocked the breath right out of her when I captured her lips in my own. But I’d give her all my breath if she needed it.
She met me with just as much passion.
When she finally pulled away—much to my protest—she attempted to suck in some necessary air.
Panting, she peered up at me again beneath dark lashes.
“The thought had crossed my mind back at the compound,” she whispered under her breath. “But I didn’t actually know what it was meant to feel like or if I was making it up. I’ve had no experience with it to recognise the feeling. Why didn’t you tell me if you knew? Even while you were waiting for me to make my choice?”
Our noses continued to graze against each other as I searched for her lips again.
When I found them, I nipped at the plump bottom one.
“Because I didn’t want it to affect your decision. That’s the beauty of the soul flame, remember?” I grinned against her mouth.
“Well … I guess I made a good choice then.”
She reiterated her point by pressing her lips to mine again.
I was a fucking happy man.
Peace. It was a feeling that had felt so foreign to me in recent times. But not right now. Not waking up in the arms of Griffin Not after finally making the decision that had been tormenting me.
My soul flame.
I had almost forgotten that had been a thing, with everything that was going on. Just chalked up those electric sparks between us as some aspect of Griffin’s power—his energy. And not this living thing between us.
But this was so much better.
Despite everything we still had to tackle, I wouldn’t let this peace go out just yet. I’d shield it and enjoy it as much as I possibly could. Even as I left the delicious male in my bed. Even as I told him that I needed to see River.
He didn’t object or have any qualms this morning, sure of himself and this new step in the right direction of our relationship. As he should be. Because despite everything, despite how hard this decision was to make, I knew this felt right. And the peace that overcame me was a sure sign.
I tried to hold onto that confidence as I pulled up to the pack house and opened the door. Held onto it as I walked down the hall and found River in his office, surprisingly alone—as if fate had wanted us to have this moment uninterrupted.
His head shot up immediately when I entered the room, his door wide open—a symbol of his openness with his pack, his trust in them and their familial bond. They didn’t hide things from each other. River was an open book, just like I needed to be now.
When he saw it was me, a smile bloomed across his face, warm and bright, making me swallow nervously.
Please let him be okay.