Page 102 of Stargazer

“How’s that for ‘a way with words’?” He taunted, causing a soft chuckle to spill out of me and a coy smile to grace my lips. “Ready to go again?” He asked after he pressed his mouth to mine a second time.

Once again, all I could muster was a nod.

Then I silently got into position and we practised the technique again and again. The movements flowed on their own accord.

When we got tired of that, we moved onto weapons.

I twirled the twin sai in my hands.

Every time I held them, immense feelings of pride and power swelled through me. Like they were talking to me, telling me how they felt. Whispering to me all the ways I could use them. Telling me that I made the right choice.

I was so grateful he’d brought them back to me. I couldn’t believe I’d forgotten them, but at the same time I didn’t think I’d be allowed to take them.

Griff had assured me they were mine now, even if one day I decided I no longer wanted to be part of this warrior society. They’d always be mine.

Not that I planned on leaving again. I was well and truly finding my place among it all. Just call me the middle woman.

The purple aura I’d learned to harness wrapped around me, pulsing as if in reassurance and agreement, ready to assist me as I battled against the perfect specimen with the silver sword. Dangerous for so many reasons: his sheer dexterity, his angelic looks, and the hold he had on me.

But I put all that aside, keeping my attention on the sweet sound of metal hitting metal; on the dance of the movements between our bodies as we advanced and attacked; on the pleased upward turn of his mouth as he watched us with complete and utter satisfaction.



Iwas finally in that bed I’d been eyeballing since the moment I got to the Stone House, and I couldn’t have been more fucking happy about it.

The full-blown grin I gave her when she pulled me in the direction of her room at the end of the day was nothing short of blissful. The same could be said for the euphoria I was currently experiencing after the fucking mind-altering sex we just had.

Trying to keep her quiet was a challenge I happily took on.

Except our goals weren’t exactly aligned. Mine was to break the silence she was trying so desperately to maintain … and the little sounds that escaped her were the best fucking prize.

Sitting against the headboard, I trailed light fingers down her leg, watching the way her body reacted to mine with a pleased smirk plastered to my face. I swear this stupid smile had been a permanent feature since the moment she’d admitted she’d chosen me.

She was tucked into the crevice of my arm now, nestled into my chest. Right where I wanted her to be. The familiar feeling of her being wrapped in my arms was almost overwhelming. It felt like a distant memory brought back to life. And there was no fucking way I’d ever let her go again.

I didn’t even want to stop touching her—not for a single second.

Closing my eyes, I savoured the way the tiny sparks danced through my fingertips from the feel of her smooth skin, filling my body with blazing energy. With a flame that licked the path my fingers took.

“You feel that?” I asked a moment later. Even I could hear the deep, hungry infliction in my voice. The desire I still had for her.

“Feel what?” She croaked, her own voice hoarse and tired. And extremely sexy.

“That little flicker of heat and electricity that ignites when we touch. When I run my fingers down your arm. Or your leg. Or your cheek.” I emphasised each point by touching her in those places.

I didn’t need to guess that she felt it too. I could tell. If I could feel it, so could she—she just might not have been as aware.

Nevertheless, she nodded, the movement small, like she was afraid to move. I saw her throat bob as she swallowed.

She was nervous. I loved that I made her nervous.

“I’d be willing to bet that means we’re soul flames.” I couldn’t help the wicked smile that spread across my face as I took in the stunned expression on hers. I heard her heart rate spike and her breathing get more rapid.

“A-are you sure?”

“I’m pretty sure, Supernova. In fact, I’d bet on my life.”