Page 9 of Sweet Fantasies

He chokes on a laugh and his wicked blue eyes sparkle like the ocean with the sun on the waves pounding the island shores of the Caribbean. “Oh, baby. I think you’re protesting too much.”

“I’m not dignifying that with an answer.”

“Fine. But I’ll win you over one way or another. I’m gonna spend every day tempting you until you admit that we’re perfect together.”

“I don’t like bossy men.”

His blond head cocks. “You think you don’t.”

“You know what bossy men do?”

“No. Tell me, baby girl. What do bossy men do?”

“Tell you what to do and then sabotage your job and your whole damn life just to make them seem better than you.” My voice is bitter and I know he hears it because he stops and stares at me.

“So I need to kill a man.”

I sigh. “You are ridiculous.”

“I’m not.” He steps towards me and his eyes drop to my lips, soft and sincere.

“I’m telling you right now that I will never tell you to do something that will be detrimental to you or your career. I only want to protect you and take care of you.”

“That’s not true. You just like getting your own way.”

His lips curl and he shoots me a cheeky grin. “All men do, sweetheart. But that doesn’t mean that I will ever do or say anything to hurt you.”

“How come you’re all over me all of a sudden? You couldn’t get away from me fast enough the other night.”

“I hate to tell you this,” he sighs and puts the knife down carefully. “Because it might scare you because it sure as hell scared me. Do you know why I was so mad the other day?”

I shake my head and he crosses his arms over his chest.

“Because as soon as I saw you, I wanted to fuck you so hard you were branded by my body.”

My breath sucks in sharply and my pussy clenches wildly. I squirm, my panties soaking wet yet again. How the hell does he do that?


Anna chokes and almost falls off the stool and I jerk around the counter, my hands catching hers as she flutters hers wildly, coughing.

“I’m fine. Really, I’m fine,” she hisses, holding me away from her.

“You don’t sound fine.”

“Maybe if you didn’t say the most outrageous things I wouldn’t suck down my own damn spit and almost kill myself,” she grumbles, grabbing a glass of water and taking a big sip.

Laughing, I study her. “I don’t want to lie to you.”

“Next time maybe say it a little more carefully. Or warn me that you’re fixing to be outrageous so I don’t die.”

She clears her throat and grunts. “Why would you say that? We both know that you hated me on sight.”

I shake my head. “Nope. Not hate. Lust. Big, massive, fuck-for-days lust.”

“Jesus,” she mutters under her breath. “You are crazy.”

“Nope. Not crazy. Unless it’s about you. And believe me when I say that wanting a woman is the last thing that I wanted to do. I just broke up with my fiancé about three months ago. She fucked me over pretty damn good and I promised myself that I was never going to be anything other than a good time for any woman. But as soon as I saw you, I knew that I couldn’t do that. I wanted you for more than one night. And then after I went home that night, I had the most wicked dreams about what I’d like to do to your perfect damn body and I woke up and had to beat myself off just to get back to sleep. And then I dreamed about you for the rest of that night. And the next night and the next.”