I tugged Kharag’s face to mine and kissed him. “I’d rather die here than live without you both there.” I pulled Jarrus to me and kissed him, also. “Now, let’s kill these goblins and get on with living.”
We arrayed ourselves together, me between them, Kharag facing the forest and Jarrus looking behind us, and waiting for the onslaught.
Silence dragged on and Kharag cursed. “Where are they? Sneaking around us?”
A horn sounded and Jarrus jerked, his head turning in the direction the horse had fled. “The herd!”
Hooves pounded like thunder and a large group of minotaurs swept out from the forest, a panicked group of goblins in front of them, squealing and fleeing for their lives. It took no time for them to be cut down, including their foul leader Azad who was dragged from the forest and beheaded.
I winced at that and buried my head against Kharag, who rubbed his hand up and down my back. “It had to be done, lass, or he would have dogged our steps forever.”
I nodded, but didn’t want to watch. I didn’t need to. We were safe and now we had the rest of our lives together. Whatever that meant.
Chapter 21
A week after the battle
The herd had come just in time, having already been alerted to the horde of goblins near their territory, when Ragon came upon the patrol. They raced to our position, assuming we would need a defensive place to hold, and saved us just in time. The goblins were routed and destroyed, killing the goblin leader in the process so no word would get back to the orc king, though he had spies everywhere, which could put Kharag’s clan in danger. He’d sent word to his clan to pack and begin to move nearer to the herd. Now, with their mating, the alliance was stronger than ever, and they would live allied and off the Orc King’s land, providing some measure of protection.
For now, we had feasted the mating, not a full celebration, and we’d retired to my cabin to bond. There would be a full celebration when the orc clan came. But it would be nice to mate in a bed and not in a forest.
Olivia prowled the cabin space, checking out the rooms, the furniture, and layout. Kharag sat in a chair by the fire, his amused expression watching her, noting her nervous expression.
“You can change anything you want, mate. We’ll be getting a larger cabin, anyway. Just tell us what you want and we’ll build it.”
She whirled and stared at me. “A larger cabin?”
I nodded. “This is for a single minotaur. Once a male mates, he moves to a family cabin, with room for babes. We’ll need a bigger bed, with three mates anyway.”
Her eyes strayed to the bed, which was generous for a minotaur but would be tight for the three of us. Kharag stood and held out his hand. “In fact, it’s time to go to bed, mate.”
Her eyes were wide, but she nodded and took his hand, letting him lead her to the bedroom nook. I crowded behind them, eager for the next step in our mating. Kharag quickly divested her of her clothing, then his own. I also tossed my clothing aside, waiting for my chance. I still felt like the second mate, like an afterthought in the mating, and worried that, now that we were safe, they would not need me any longer.
Olivia turned to face me, a secret smile on her face. She stretched up on her toes and wound her arms around my neck, pulling me down to her lips. She kissed me, her lips small and soft under mine. Kharag watched from the side of the bed, his heated gaze hooded, and he stroked his cock.
She reached down with both hands and gripped my cock, tugging on it. “I can’t believe you fucked me with this monster.”
“I’ll be fucking you again soon, mate,” I growled, my voice hoarse with passion.
She chuckled. “Not quite yet. I think I need some time before I’m ready for this.”
Kharag laughed and picked her up, tossing her on the bed gently. “That’s our cue, mate. I think it’s time we start working on you taking both of us.”
Her alarmed gaze flared as she looked between us. “Neither of you is going anywhere near my ass.”
I grunted. “Not without preparation, and certainly not tonight.”
“You two are obsessed with training,” she grumbled.
Kharag knelt one knee on the bed next to her head, and stroked her hair. “Especially since you like it so much. No, I had something else in mind for tonight.”
He guided his cock toward her mouth, and her eyes brightened. She opened eagerly, her lips stretched obscenely around his tip. Kharag gently gripped the back of her head, holding her gently in place. As Kharag began to thrust into her mouth, I watched with a mixture of arousal and awe. Her experienced tongue worked in tandem with her lips, licking and sucking him deep into her mouth. She couldn’t take him deep, not yet. He was too large for her mouth, but she made a valiant effort, her eyes tearing up.
Slowly, he began to thrust, never going too far to make her gag, but enough to dominate her. I watched, stroking my own cock, pre-cum easing my way, as I thought about her mouth wrapped around my own dick, lips stretched tight.
Kharag’s gaze met mine. “I think she needs some warming up.”