Chapter 18
Kharag threw me on the back of the horse, mounted behind me, and we took off running. Jarrus and Nuar raced beside us. Riding was not high on my list of things to do after the intense round of sex that I’d just experienced, but neither was dying, so I dealt with it. I guess it’s true that endorphins or adrenaline or something blocks the pain receptors because I felt nothing beyond abject terror that those fucking little goblins were going to catch us, kill my mates, and take me. Beyond that, I didn’t want to think what would happen to me. Didn’t want to imagine that future.
I fingered the knife at my waist and wondered if I had the balls to end it before they touched me. I had never killed anything bigger than a spider and didn’t think I would have a problem using this knife on a goblin, but if all was lost, did I want to survive?
Kharag must have felt me playing with the short sword because he pulled me close. “Don’t worry, lass. We’ll protect you.”
But I still worried. The forest closed in around us, and I could hear shrieking coming closer.
“There’s an old ruin ahead. We could make a stand there until the herd comes to us. Ragon will know we stopped there,” Jarrus called out.
Jarrus veered, and Kharag followed. The forest fell away as we raced up a small incline to a small ruin of what was once a homestead of some sort. The stone remained and would make a good fortification. I hoped it would be enough for us to hold out.
Kharag handed me down to Jarrus and dismounted. He led the horse to an interior space and brought me over. “Stay here. Use your knife if you need to. If we tell you, mount and ride hard in that direction. Don’t look back. Just keep riding.”
My gaze followed his finger. “What’s in that direction?”
“The herd.” He gently grasped my shoulders. “We’ll be right behind you.”
I knew that was a lie. If I was riding away from them, it was only in the most dire of circumstances. But I had to say something, had to let them know how I felt. “Don’t die, Kharag. Don’t let them win.”
He grinned, a cocky smile that hid any concern. “Goblins can’t beat us, lass.”
He started to turn away, and I stopped him. “I’m sorry to bring this trouble to you.”
He paused. “Lass, I would fight a thousand goblins for a moment with you. I treasure every moment of our time together and plan to live a long life with you. Thank you for choosing me.”
Tears pricked my eyes, and I blinked rapidly to clear them. “Thank you for accepting me. And Jarrus?” I called to the minotaur who was busying himself building up the wall. He paused, not turning. “I may not have picked you initially, because you weren’t at the auction, but I would choose you again. Thank you for being my mate.”
Jarrus grunted. “I’ll never live it down that I wasn’t at the auction.” He dropped the heavy stone on the top of the wall and lumbered over to me. He crushed me to him. “Thank you for being my mate. Now, let’s get to work so we can be rid of these goblins and focus on making offspring.”
I laughed through my tears. “What can I do?”
“Stay safe.”
Well, that was easier said than done. The goblins charged up the hill with inhuman shrieks and cries. I covered my ears and cowered like a child; the noise deafening. The first wave of attackers was easily repelled and in the lull, Kharag stood.
“Azad, the female is claimed. You have no right to her any longer. Abandon your quest and leave this place or forever be known as an oath breaker!”
A cackle came from the forest. “You think I care about her mating status? I care nought for that, orc. I know another who will pay a pretty price for her, and for the head of an orc traitor. I will have both and secure my horde’s safety.”
Kharag and Jarrus exchanged worried looks. “Who are you referring to, Azad?”
“Your king, of course, orc. He wants the fire-haired lass as a mate. Says she will be the one to birth him his heir. And I will bring her to him. We have the numbers. You will lose and you will die. Release her and I might let you live.”
Oh, hell no. I wasn’t like other women in this world. I chose my own mates. That goblin prick could take a hike. I stood up and stretched myself between my mates. “And if I refuse?”
His laugh chilled my blood. “You will still lose, female. And your mates will die.”
Well, that just sucked.
Chapter 19
King Tarfu. That throne-stealing oath breaker. He’d stolen the throne after a coup on the previous king, though he alleged that he’d come upon the coup leaders too late to save the legitimate king and his family. No one knew what had happened to the true heir, Torgan, but I knew orcs still looked for him, some to support him and others to kill him. In the intervening decade, Tarfu had solidified his position, marrying the previous queen and killing all contenders. It was a brutal decade, one of scarcity and fear in the orc kingdom. If the goblins, natural enemies of the orcs, were now their allies, this boded ill for free orcs and my mate.