I swung my axe, cleaving the first one’s head clear off. The second, the lead scout, squealed and bolted, but only got a few feet before I took him down. It was barely a fight. It rarely was with goblins, if you surprised them and they had a smaller force. But the main group would be larger and would swarm us.

I gestured to Nuar who loped behind to see if there were any stragglers. When he came back, muzzle bloody, I knew he’d gotten them all. I dragged the corpses to the ditch on the side of the road and covered them with brush. Goblin senses weren’t strong enough to scent the bodies, and scavengers would clean them quickly, anyway. We had to move.

I headed through the forest for Kharag and his camp, hoping he and the female had finished their business. I didn’t need to see or smell sex. It had been too long and my cock stirred after the brief battle and the scent of the female. Smelling them would stir it to an uncomfortable state, and we didn’t have time for me to take myself in hand.

Chapter 10


I woke up, stiff and sore from sleeping on the ground. Between my legs, I was wet and aching, longing for something more. Once we’d escaped from whatever was chasing us and had put enough space between us, Kharag had decided we were safe and made me a bed of sorts from a layer of furs and clothing. I had hoped he would finish what he’d started on horseback, but he insisted that I needed rest and he wasn’t wrong. Oblivion claimed me as soon as my head hit the roll of furs.

The furs were soft and nothing I had ever seen before. Sadly, that wasn’t enough to completely erase the fact that the ground was hard and uncomfortable. I wondered if he had mattresses where he lived. He seemed rougher than Madame Odelia, who lived in a nice house with furniture and comforts that I could adjust to, even if the plumbing was rustic at best. I had never been a camping kind of girl, so I wondered what my life was morphing into in this new world. I had mostly resolved myself to living here, and not going back to my own reality. I was okay with that. I wasn’t really missing much, though electricity and indoor plumbing were pretty great. And I could add a mattress to that list too.

Madame Odelia had told me that Kharag and the minotaur I had been speaking with were not as wealthy as some of the other bidders at the auction, implying I could have done better. Maybe that was true, but I felt safe with Kharag, despite the pursuing horde. I wasn’t sure one of the more wealthy patrons would be able to protect me as effectively, even with their guards.

Despite the lack of comforts, which hadn’t yet been proven in the long-run, I gained some advantages. Kharag, while an orc and something I never thought I would see or knew even existed, was nicer than any male I had ever met, and knew how to give a killer orgasm. Sure, I knew that great sex wasn’t the recipe for a good life or even a great relationship. My ex was evidence of that. But Kharag cared for me and my comfort, something my ex, Bryan, never once thought about. So, I considered myself ahead in that column.

The early morning sun was trying to penetrate the dense woodland but failing. It was still mostly dark around me, shadows long and cold. I sat up and shivered. A fur was tucked around my shoulders and I felt better.

“We won’t light a fire. Not this morning. We’ll get moving quickly and try to put some space between us and the goblins.”

A chill raced up my spine at the thought of those creepy little fuckers following us. “Goblins are after us?”

Should I have told Kharag about the threat at the auction? Maybe if I had told him sooner, he would have been prepared for this? Guilt flooded me and I ducked my head.

Kharag knelt next to me, a solemn look on his face. “Don’t worry. Between Nuar and me, we can handle them. And Jarrus joined us last night, the minotaur you met at the reception. We can handle a few goblins until we reach safety.”

My stomach flipped as I remembered the scent from the minotaur, another creature from mythology that I never thought I’d see. He’d been another source of security and sent a warm heat spiraling through me, with his earthy, musky scent that complimented Kharag’s scent, both wreaking havoc on my body. A thrill coursed through me at being so close to both males, but I suppressed it. I had a mate, and I didn’t need to be looking or thinking of any other.

I had never been the type of girl who looked at another man when I dated one man. It was disrespectful, though it never stopped Bryan, or any of my exes, from doing the same. Another reason why I knew it was time for me to dump Bryan’s ass, though why I dragged my feet for so long, was beyond me. Though I guess now, the point was moot. One way or another, we were broken up, especially since I was now with an orc, mated. Whatever that meant. And I highly doubted I was making it back home.

I nodded and chewed the dried fruit and nuts he handed me, washing it down with the fresh water from a waterskin. When I finished the meager meal, I was surprised how full I felt. It hadn’t seemed like much, but then again, the talk of goblins soured me on eating anything.

“I’m sorry there wasn’t anything better, lass.”

His apologetic look made me reach out and grip his muscular arm, the contact sending a shiver of heat up my own body, reminding me of the buzz of arousal that hadn’t quite gone away despite the exhaustion that plagued me the previous evening. “I understand. The goblins are a nasty bunch.”

I hesitated, knowing I should tell him what they said at the auction, but something held me back. Kharag studied me for a long moment, almost as if he knew I wasn’t saying something, then nodded once. “Don’t worry. We can handle them easily.”

He stood. “While we have a moment, there’s a matter of your training.”

“Training?” A shiver ran through me, of anticipation or nerves, I wasn’t sure. But given the heat in his eyes, the arousal that burned in my belly was stoked higher.

He bent over the saddlebags and pulled out one of the sacks that I had seen Madame Odelia hand him when she escorted me out of the auction house. It was a dark brown leather bag, bulging in weird places. I thought it had contained food or clothes, but now I wondered if I was wrong.

“You know I’m not a dog to be trained on a leash or something. If you expect me to heel or sit on command, we’re going to have a conversation.” I felt it needed to be said. I wasn’t going to be a shy, retiring kind of mate. Better set the stage for the marriage, mating, or whatever the fuck this was.

He cocked his head at me, a smirk on his face. “Where would be the fun in that? I already have Nuar and he only listens when he wants to. I suspect you’re the same. I only ask that you listen and follow my directions when it comes to your safety. Otherwise, I don’t demand full obedience or submission. That wouldn’t be fun.”

I sat back, slightly mollified. “Fine, just so we’re clear. So what’s this training, then?”

He turned all the way, holding up a giant dildo with dangling leather straps. “So you can take me.”

Chapter 11


When Olivia’s eyes widened, I half-expected her to run from me. This was going to be the biggest test of our compatibility. I suspected she was lusty and open to games, considering how she reacted to me on my horse, but this was a little different, and upped the stakes considerably. Not all females were able to handle an orc’s sexual appetites and many of us were more open with our desires, liking to be watched and to watch. So I eyed Olivia carefully for her reaction.