“Not my fault the roads were muddy after the rainy season. You could always keep her for the next auction. Drive up the price, Odelia,” Hadron grumbled, glaring at me as if it were my fault that he was late coming in.
The woman gave a harsh laugh. “Not on your life. Not with the Orc King seeking all human women and not caring if they’re in his domain or not. I don’t want to be caught with any unmated humans. It’s a death sentence, even if we’re not on orc land.”
Hadron grunted. “Fine. I’ll take my cut and go.”
“After the auction. It was good you paraded her a bit before you got here. Maybe more will come.” She turned to me, not unkindly. “Come, girl. You need a bath and clean clothes. And probably a decent meal. I’ve had his cooking. You’re lucky you didn’t die.”
Hadron grunted again and stomped off. Odelia took my arm in a firm grip and the door slammed shut behind me, ending my chance at freedom.
* * *
The madam wasn’t kidding about a bath and clothes and I wondered how I was to pay for her largesse, or when it would start. Two maids scrubbed me to within an inch of my life in the hot, lilac-scented bath, which I didn't expect. The maids were two young women with matching black hair. The dark green, almost olive color of their dresses contrasted with their pale skin and their dark hair. Their lips were painted red and their eyes were lined with black. A dark green ribbon tied their hair back in a tight ponytail, leaving only a few black strands loose. The other end of the ribbon was tied tight and held their hair in place.
They worked in tandem with scratchy sponges that resembled my loofah back home, scrubbing and rinsing. The water got darker and darker as I lost the dark grime that I had accumulated after days in that awful wagon. The water calmed me and, despite the aggressive cleansing, I rested my head against the back of the tub and closed my eyes. I might as well enjoy the pampering. Who knew when I would get the chance again.
The floors and walls were polished wood, with the light from the candelabra flickering and reflecting in the deep varnish. The furniture was a deep wood, also polished to a shine, with comfortable cushions embroidered, possibly by hand. Nothing looked like it came from IKEA or a department store.
The maids talked around me as if I wasn't even there, assessing my looks and my assets as if I were a commodity, which I guess I was. They discussed my hourglass figure, my smooth skin, my large breasts, and how I could fetch a high price at auction, especially with my fire hair. I asked what this auction was, but they ignored me and kept talking about how I could fetch the highest price they'd ever seen and how it was too bad that I hadn't come earlier to really drive up the competition.
Something must have been in the water, or maybe in the glass of wine they had given me to sip because I couldn't find it in myself to freak out about this auction. I could only hope a high price meant I wouldn't be abused, enslaved, or mistreated. But who knew? Someone hopefully would tell me what the hell I was in for. And the wine was truly excellent. If I was going to be a slave, I highly doubted they would bathe me and give me excellent wine. Right? Or maybe they were lulling me into a false sense of security. Either way, I’d enjoy it while I could.
Eventually, the water ran clear, and I was dried off and handed a pretty, deep green dress that reminded me of the renaissance faire dresses I had seen in pictures. The waist was cinched tightly and my breasts were pushed high, making them appear even larger than they already were, which was saying a lot since they already were a generous D cup. While I had never been called petite, the way the dress was cut, I had a curvy figure, wide hips, and an ample butt, which my boyfriend always liked. The maids looked proud of how I looked in the dress, saying how they would love me.
I wished I knew who the they were, but I feared it was the creatures I saw on my way in. Hiding in the inn was a great way to bury my head in the sand about my new reality, especially since I was surrounded mostly by human women or what passed for humans since both women with me had pointy ears and an otherworldly quality about them that I couldn’t quite place, but that existed beyond these walls.
Finally, I was escorted to a sitting room where food had been laid out. Several women were already in the room, gathered in small clusters, eating at different tables, talking, and laughing as if they weren’t prisoners about to be auctioned off like livestock. One would think they wanted this.
I felt my stomach growling with hunger as I saw all the delicious-looking dishes presented before me. Despite my fear and uncertainty about what was going to happen next, my mouth still watered at the sight of freshly roasted lamb and chicken with vegetables and fruits, along with several pastries and all sorts of other goodies spread across the tables. Despite the situation, I could always eat. Hence my curves.
Despite being scared out of my wits, I forced myself up from where I had been seated and made my way toward one of the tables. My hands were shaking as I picked up a plate and piled it high with food. I paused, unsure if I should trust the food. I remembered how I felt with the single glass of wine, as if I had been drugged, and wondered if the food had anything added to it. As I stood there staring at the feast laid out before me, I noticed some of the women looking at me curiously from across the room. I thought maybe these other girls were talking about me or judging me for being an outsider or just not fitting in.
“You should eat something. There’s plenty of food and it’s good. Better than most of us got anywhere else.” A woman spoke from my right and I turned.
The other woman was raven haired with beautiful blue eyes. Hell, she was gorgeous, taller than I was, curvy like I was, but she wore it well, proud of who she was and her status. She was easily the star in this room and everyone knew it, which was probably why she stood alone. She ran her gaze over me, in a considering fashion.
“You’re the new girl, right? Hadron brought you in? I’m Daria.”
Well, shit. I didn’t want to make an enemy of the top bitch in the room. Maybe try the truth and see where it got me. No one had listened yet. “Olivia. I honestly have no idea what’s going on. I’m not from here and I just want to go home.”
She initially laughed, then it died away when I didn’t. “Oh, you’re serious. You’re from away. I’ve heard of girls like you. Get something to eat and we can talk.”
We piled food on our plates and found a small table near a window. I sensed this was Daria’s private table, and no one dared touch it. Queen bitch indeed. We settled in and looked out over the courtyard and main part of the town. Daria was right. The food was excellent and a significant improvement over Hadron’s stew or whatever it was. Daria let me eat until my plate was clean, a small smile on her lips.
“So Hadron found you?”
I nodded. “My boyfriend and I had a fight, and he dumped me. I was walking to town, and a fog came in. Next thing I knew, I was here, in Hadron’s wagon.”
Daria looked thoughtful. “I’ve heard of stories like yours. People, often women, but not only women, who wander unknowingly into our realm through doorways.”
Excitement seized me. Finally, someone who believed me and who might be able to help me. “Do you know how I can get back again? Do you know anyone who can take me?”
Daria shook her head sadly. “I’ve heard these doorways move and they don’t always go to the same place or the same realm. You could end up somewhere far worse. Trust me, you’re lucky you came here.”
I snorted. “To be auctioned off like cattle? I’m not a slave.”
Daria stared at me. “We’re not slaves. The auction is good for us, well, most of us.”
I held up my wrists where I still had marks from the shackles. “Tell me how this is good?”