All thanks to Alejandro.
“Hey there, sugar.”
Cheap cologne assails me, burning my nose as a drunk comes into view, circling me. Far too close for comfort, he stumbles, his glazed-over stare dropping to the deep V that comprises the front of my dress.
“Damn, you’re pretty.” His stare rises, locking on my painted lips. “Tell me, if I flip a coin, what are the chances of you giving me head?”
My knee is half a second from kissing his disgusting balls in a not-so-friendly embrace when a commotion on the other side of the dance floor captures my attention.
Right away, I know what’s causing it.
Or rather who.
Like a runaway freight train, the kingpin barrels toward me, his face twisted in clear rage. The sea of people surrounding me beneath the strobe lights part, quickly moving out of his way as if he’s Moses himself.
“If you know what’s good for you, svoloch, you’ll leave,” I tell the oblivious drunk before me, completely unaware of the pain headed his way. “Quickly.”
He doesn’t reply.
He isn’t given the chance.
Not before Alejandro reaches us and fists the back of his shirt, slinging him to the ground. The man crashes against the floor, the hit bone-jarring, and slides a good five feet before scrambling backward, his fear palpable once he spots a towering Alejandro standing in the spot he’d just occupied.
Nostrils flaring, the kingpin is seething.
Excited in lieu of fearful, I smile.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” he practically growls, his hands finding and grasping my hips. “Because I know goddamned well you didn’t—”
“Do you mean my dress?”
Feigning boredom in spite of the thrill that shoots through me, I examine my manicure before looking back up. His temper regarding my lack of appropriate clothing is mighty volatile for a man who fucked me on my balcony in clear view of my men. Then again, that had been about claiming me, a move I approved of. And got off on. But this situation is different.
“Or what I’m wearing underneath?”
His right eye twitches.
“If you’re referring to the latter, Krasavchik, then I have news for you.” I trace a nail down his nose, then across his jaw. “Because I'm as bare as the day I was born.”
Laughter erupts from deep in my chest when he turns, taking me with him. Wrapping an arm around my lower back, he jerks me into his side, and drags me through the club, my stilettos barely touching the floor.
I have no doubt the only reason he didn’t throw me over his shoulder is because of my lack of panties, a calculated move on my part. Why wear my favorite pieces of silk at all when he ends up ruining them each night?
Casper shakes his head as we pass him, clearly amused. He loves nothing more than witnessing me rile Alejandro up, something I do frequently and with great pleasure.
No longer enemies, but far from best friends since Casper still doesn’t trust the kingpin, the two of them enjoy watching me give the other grief.
Anna delights in it as well.
Arriving on the second floor in record time, Christian moves out of the way, his eyes widening before mine as we reach the end of a long hall and Alejandro practically bursts through his office door, storming inside.
“Get out!” he barks to the three men standing at the wet bar along the far wall, the room’s dim lighting casting shadows over their faces. “Now!”
Obeying without question, they promptly disappear.
With a bounce, my ass meets the top of his oversized desk, the sting of my bare skin smacking the wood reverberating through my thighs as my clutch tumbles to the floor.
“Blyad’! Must you be so—”