I lick my lower lip. “Yours.”

One word.

That’s all I’m given the chance to speak before his mouth descends on mine in a kiss that’s as possessive as it is passionate. And with any luck, the first of many I’ll receive in the hours to come.

* * *

To my annoyance, breakfast is tense.

With Alejandro to my right, and Casper seated across from me, his chair nestled between Mina and Anna’s, the testosterone-polluted air that fills the dining room is thick enough to gouge with a metal spoon.

If it doesn’t abate soon—

“Well,” Anna starts, her gaze bouncing from her brother to the kingpin, undoubtedly moments away from causing yet more trouble. “This is all sorts of awkward.”

Shoulders tense, Casper clenches his jaw, making his contempt for Alejandro’s continued presence clear even without speaking. The latter, however, smiles, his love for getting under my bull’s skin as transparent as the cocky grin he wears.

Both are acting like petulant children.

It ends. Now.

After dabbing my lips, mindful of my stitches, I toss down my soiled linen napkin and point from one man to the other, my limit for their bullshit having been reached and effectively trampled over. “This,” I say, careful to keep my tone calm in order not to upset Mina, “is over.”

Casper opens his mouth to speak. I don’t give him the chance. “Nyet, I don’t wish to hear it. I know you have concerns about what’s happening here, and I both understand and respect them.”

Beside me, Alejandro bristles.

“I made a nearly lethal choice in the past when it came to companionship”—Anna makes a choking sound; she never liked Capone—“but this time is different.”

I have no doubt Casper doesn’t believe the words I say. Though his lack of confidence is gut-wrenching, it doesn’t truly matter. Not when I know in my heart they ring true. The kingpin may have started as my enemy, but that’s no longer the case.

Not even close.

“But who I allow into my heart is my decision,” I tell my bull, making it clear that on this, I will not waver. “No one else’s.”

Casper drops his fork to his plate. It clatters against the porcelain, the sharp sound echoing through the room. “It’s my job to protect you.” His voice is of a placid nature, just as mine, but I don’t miss the lethal edge it holds. “Even when that means protecting you from yourself.”

His reply should infuriate me.

It doesn’t.

Ever since I was a little girl, he’s played the role of my protector. When Capone betrayed me, nearly costing me everything, my life included, he took it hard. He blamed himself for not seeing the double-crossing mudak for what he and his father truly were—conniving traitors.

I suspect he always will.

“He’s not him,” I reiterate, refusing to speak my ex-fiancé's name in front of Mina. “Nor will he ever be.”

Casper’s eyes are on Alejandro as he replies, “For his sake, I hope not.”

Gaze returning to mine, he leans back in his chair and slings his arm over Mina’s, careful not to touch her as he does.

“As your soldier, as well as your friend, I respect the choices you make, even when I don’t agree with them.” He glances at Mina, his hard expression softening. “Just know, I’m here if you need me.”

While I know he’ll forever assess Alejandro’s every move, watching for any signs of deception or treachery with an eagle eye, his respect regarding my choice is all I ask for.

With time, trust will come.

Or death, if a betrayal occurs.