“I don’t give a damn who I hit on. I don’t even care if I suck Luc’s dick in front of you, you don’t have the right to call me a whore. How many girls do you talk to at school, Marc? Don’t think I don’t notice the girls. How many has Luc got attached to him right now? Yet you don’t call him a whore, nor do you call the girls ready to drop to their knees for him whores. So why me, huh?” She stabs him in the chest painfully and takes another long swig of the amber liquid. “Is it ‘cause I didn’t talk to you first? Or is it because you have little man syndrome? Do you have a small dick, Marc? The girls always passing you up for your hotter friends?”

Luc snickers obnoxiously. “She thinks I’m hotter than you, Macchio.” He pulls Sassy’s head in painfully close to his. “Can’t say she’s wrong. I do have the chiseled jaw, then there are the baby blues I got, and my hair that’s nicer than my sisters.”

“Shut up, Luc.”

Meg pokes Marc again. “Don’t tell him to shut up just ‘cause you’re wrong. I’m no one’s whore, and you don’t have the right to call me shit. Your grumpy ass continues to ruin a story I’m trying to hear about my best friend and the love of her life.” She turns away from him, but she swings back quickly as her eyes light. “Here’s an idea though. You wanna know the secret to getting a girl? Look at them the way Turner looks at Sammy. That shit’ll never steer you wrong. Until then, you better learn to suck your own dick. I hear there’s a procedure for that. Remove a couple ribs, something like that.” She spins away from his shocked face, then walks back to me. She almost chips my front tooth when she shoves the half empty bottle in my mouth and force feeds me again.

I’m already starting to feel woozy, the alcohol gone straight to my head and sending warmth to my toes.

“Want some scotch, Luc? I can share with you too… though if we share the same bottle and exchange a bit of spit, Marc might take that for having sex, which would only make me more of a whore.”

Luc scoffs, and dropping the girls from his side again, he skips forward and throws his arm over her shoulder companionably, taking the bottle she offers and lifting it high to chug several heavy mouthfuls. Jesus, Meg might not be the only one spewing tonight.

“You guys wanna play truth or dare?”

“Um, yes!” Luc bangs his and Meg’s heads together accidentally, and though her hand comes up to rub the sore spot, belly giggles roll over us all. “Truth or dare, Meg?”

As though she’s forgotten all about Biff, she wraps her arm around Luc’s waist and her hand digs deep into his back pocket. “Dare!”

Luc looks down at her with a wolfish grin, and though she should regret her decision, she looks like she doesn’t have a care in the world. “You’re a brave girl, aren’t you Meg?”

She shrugs carelessly, and as though she’s taken it upon herself to ensure I drink tonight, she steps the three feet toward us and tips the bottle up to my lip. When my mouth overflows and dribbles down onto my chin, she steps back under Luc’s arm. “I said dare, Luc. Let me have it.”

“Hey,” Sammy murmurs close to my ear. I turn my face as far around as I can, then the familiar happens again; my dick springs painfully to life, straining against my jeans as Sammy brazenly licks the spilled liquid from my chin. I’ve never been so desperate in my life to not be a virgin anymore.

“Alright,” Luc continues on with their game. His eyes search over us all, then turning a full circle with Meg still under his arm, he faces Marc and they walk backwards. “I dare you to kiss Marc.”

Meg lets out a disgusting ‘ugh’ that sounds more pig snort than rejection, but Luc silences her. “You said dare, and I dare you to kiss my boy. It ain’t illegal to kiss when you’re our age, Meg. You won’t go to jail for it, but better yet, we’re family around here, and you and Marc need the boy girl version of round robin fight circle. If me and Marc, or Turner or Angelo, spoke to each other the way you and Macchio speak to each other, we wouldn’t stay family very long. It’s time to take it to the yard where we settle our shit like men.”

“Luc--” Meg attempts to pull away from his arm, but he holds her tight.

“One kiss, and whatever happens after that is your business. I swear no one will be calling you a whore, especially not him. But for the love of pig’s piss, you two need to kiss and make up.”

“No,” she declares easily. “Truth.”

“You said dare!”

“And now I change my mind. Truth.”

“Ugh,” he grumbles. “This game will turn to shit in two seconds if none of you follow through.”

“I’ll follow through on all the rest – as long as the rest doesn’t include kissing asswipe over there. Ask me your question.”

Luc rolls his eyes, but then they light up mischievously. “Alright. Tell us your biggest secret in the whole wide world.”

Meg’s brows draw in tight, thinking about her answer even as she drinks some more, then feeds me some more. My stomach rolls with nausea, but Sammy’s breath on my neck tells me to man the fuck up and get over it. Meg throws her arm around Luc’s waist again as she considers. “I dunno what my biggest secret is. I don’t really have a lot.”

Marcus scoffs arrogantly. “She suggests the game, then she flakes on her first dare and truth.”

Meg’s eyes turn to slits, and if I didn’t know better, I’d swear she was ready to bash him over the head with her bottle.

“I don’t really have secrets,” she continues. “I’m basically an open book – to everyone except my dad. So I guess my biggest secret in the world is actually being out right now.”

Luc rolls his eyes. “That’s lame. Think of another one.” But before she can answer, his eyes light up again. “How many guys have you slept with, Meg?”

I choke on my spit as hers and Marc’s eyes meet again, but this time, neither contain venom. Hers are insecure, and his are eager to know. Like she’s scared of the judgement, and he’s excited for his imminent victory.

“You can’t lie,” Luc continues. “Forget asswipe is here. There’s no judgment.”