“I’m saying, I bet the other guys get mad when you throw random words in just because I walk into a room.”

“But I love you.” He drops another kiss on my lips. “And as the front man, I get artistic license to do whatever the hell I want.”

I laugh even as his mouth comes down on mine again. Pulling away, he squeezes me against his chest and looks up at Meg. “Thanks for getting her here.”

She smiles indulgently. “You’re welcome. Can I have my--”



“We don’t drink here, sorry.”

“You don’t--” She gapes, incredulous. “Why the hell not?”

“Because none of us are old enough, and my dad is the law. Drinking here will get us shut down in the blink of an eye.”

“We’re seniors. This is our year for fun!”

“I’m not saying we don’t drink at all. I’m saying we don’t drink here.”

She rolls her eyes. “That’s just lame. I had to steal that and everything. Now it’s a waste.”

“Not a waste. We’ll have a drink with you guys after we’re done. But we don’t get drunk here. My dad will shut us down, and nobody wants that.”

Meg pouts, but she nods. Turning away, she starts scouting out the other people here as Sam’s hand roams my lower back. He leans down close to me, his lips feathering the loose strands of my hair. “It feels so weird to have you here. I’ve been waiting years for this.”

“Weird in a good way or a bad way?”

He drops a soft kiss on my lips, then another. “Weird in an amazing way. You look so beautiful.” He places the bottle of scotch on the table beside us, then his hand joins the first, rubbing slowly over my hips and lower back. His lips come down onto my neck, barely a whisper of a touch as his breath bathes my skin. “What time do you have to get home?”

I shrug softly, even as I stretch my neck in hopes he’ll finally press his lips down. “I don’t know. That’s up to Meg, I guess.”

We both look up, and we watch as she dances with a guy that must go to the other high school in town, since I don’t recognize him. He looks to be our age, and though he’s handsome, he’s also not shy. Meg and the strange boy stand as close as Sam and I, and his lips are actually on her neck nibbling as they sway together.

“Do you know him?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Nope. Do you?”

“Nope…” He looks back down to me again. “I’ll be watching though. Stay with Meg, okay?” He finally presses his lips to my neck. “Don’t go wandering alone, and don’t kiss other boys. That’ll make me really mad.”

I giggle as his plump lips tickle my neck. “I promise not to kiss other boys.”

“I waited years for this, and I’m not sharing. Don’t break my heart, Sammy.”

My hands snake up around his neck, and I stand on my toes to come closer. “I promise. In fact, I literally won’t even leave your sight. I’ll stay right here, take a seat, and I’ll watch Luc play.”

He chuckles softly, then he bites my neck gently. “Even better. We don’t usually have trouble here, but the first time you come out to see me, I wanna make sure you’re fine.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“We don’t allow alcohol here, but that doesn’t mean people don’t sneak it in. Don’t accept drinks from anyone, okay? Just me and the band.”


“We have soda over by the stage. Have as much as you want. They’re in a cooler by Marc. Don’t put your drink down. Don’t leave it unattended.”

He’s such a worrywart. “Okay.”