She cackles. “That’s pretty funny. Like you were destined for each other from the womb.”
My brows lift. “That was pretty deep, Meg,”
She continues to laugh. “So these guys… they’re cute?”
“Ha! They kinda are.”
“They single?”
“Jesus. Let me introduce you to Luc. You guys will get along just fine.”
She squeals with excitement as we walk around the corner and continue toward Maple Tree Hill. Fifteen minutes later, we hit the crest of the hill and I stare up at Sam’s beautiful home. Two-stories, picture windows, porch swing. Wide open garage door.
My heart does a little flutter as they continue to practice what’s actually a really fluid, rhythmic tune. They’re not crap. They’re quite amazing, but as Meg and I continue walking along their driveway, my eyes lock into Sam’s as he stares me down. His left foot taps the concrete floor, his hands caress the microphone as softly as he holds me, and his guitar hangs loosely over his shoulder, swinging softly as though he just tossed it back for the chorus.
‘She was mine way before she knew it.’
“Girrrrrrl.” Meg’s hand wraps around my forearm tightly, and we stand there watching our own live show.
‘Elegance and class.’ He smirks at me. ‘With a banging great ass.’
“He did not write a song about your ass, Sammy.”
‘True love will wait, for that first true kiss, then he’ll ask her for true wedded bliss.’
“I sure hope Samuel Turner is the singer, cause he’s eating you up with his eyes.”
“We have three seconds till he sprints over here and takes you away. Quick, tell me who’s who.”
“Luc’s on the drums. Marc on the bass. Angelo on the keyboard.”
“All single?”
“Yup…” I frown. “I’m pretty sure. You could probably hang with Luc. He’s flirty as hell and always open to new female fans. The other two are pretty quiet.”
“Alrighty.” She smiles wickedly, then releases my arm and walks forward, swinging her hips and pushing her chest out confidently. Sam’s song comes to an end, then with a flirty wink and a subtle air kiss, he steps back from his microphone as the other guys trail off with their instruments.
“I love it when the pretty girls come to practice,” Luc drawls and stands from his drum kit. He spins a stick between his fingers and looks Meg up and down. “We have a new girl at school, Sammy?”
Sam steps forward, takes my hand in his and pulls me into his chest. His nose goes directly to my hair, as though he really did miss the candy smell. “It’s good to see you, Ricci.”
I smile as I press my face to his chest. “Missed you.”
“Still feels unreal,” he murmurs softly. “I spent years asking for this, and now I have it.”
“Sorry I made you wait so long.”
“I’d wait a lifetime for you.”
Yeah. Emotion and hormones aside, I’m pretty sure he would, and I’m pretty sure I’m in love with him too.
Luc scoffs when I still don’t answer his question, so he takes matters into his own hands, literally taking Meg’s hand in his and kissing it like the fool he is. “I’m Luca.”