“How was class?” Cecelia asked.
“We danced and played with little shaker instruments,” I said as I lifted Georgie a bit so I could sit next to all of my girls at once.
Georgie and I had spent our morning at a daddy-and-me music class for toddlers. It was interesting how many men there were literally pushed by their baby mamas into the classroom with the kid in tow. Some were there happily and willingly so their wives and partners could have some quiet at home with the new baby. It was an interesting dynamic and a completely different world than I knew existed two years ago.
I kissed Georgie on the head. She had brought all of this wonderful change into my life.
“How was your morning?” I asked.
“It’s been quiet. Like this. Ashley was a bit fussy earlier, so I’ve been holding her.”
“You want me to take her so you can go rest?”
Cecelia shook her head, her gaze still on the sleeping baby. “I’m good.”
“You’re better than good.” I leaned across Georgie, who squirmed and complained, to kiss Cecelia on the temple.
I stood and picked Georgie up with me. She started to fight and fuss. “Mommy has to take care of the baby, so we have to take care of Mommy. Let’s go make her lunch.”
Georgie curled up her lips in a pout. I wanted to laugh at how serious she looked.
“If Mommy gets lunch and has a rest, she can play with Georgie later, okay?”
She nodded, her little lips still pursed.
Wayne was in the kitchen chopping something when we walked in.
“What do we have that's good for lunch?” I asked.
“With Miss Cecelia’s dietary restrictions, may I suggest a light chicken salad?” he said.
“Sounds good, do we have that?” I set Georgie down in her chair. She still had the same high chair, only now, we no longer bothered buckling her in. She knew how to sit up. It was easier with the tray right at her level.
“You want some crackers?” I asked Georgie.
She nodded and said “Fid acker.” Fish cracker. All those noises she made as a baby were finally now turning into words. And surprisingly enough, I could understand it all.
I placed a handful of goldfish crackers on the tray and grabbed a juice box just as she started demanding “duce”.
She took the box and sucked on the straw before cramming another couple of crackers into her mouth. It was a good thing she was so cute. She was a sloppy eater.
“Would you mind watching Georgie for a few minutes?” I asked Wayne.
“Of course not,” he said, looking over his shoulder at her from his prep work.
“Don’t let her handle any of the knives,” I said as I gave her another kiss. At some point in time, hopefully not for many, many years, she would shrug away from my kisses and say something like, ‘Ew, Dad, gross.’ Until then, I planned on kissing the top of her head as often as I could.
Cecelia still sat in the living room staring at the sleeping Ashley.
“Sweetheart, let’s put her down. You are exhausted.” I reached down and lifted Ashley from my wife’s arms. Cradling the baby in one arm, I eased Cecelia to her feet and took her hand.
The house, which we moved into about three months before Ashley was born, was large, and the rooms were spread farther apart than they had been in the penthouse. But the terrace, as lovely as it was, was not a safe place for small children to play. They didn’t need to grow up in a glass tower when I could easily buy them a castle with a playground. The house wasn’t exactly a castle, but I had filled it with my princesses.
I carried Ashley upstairs and into our bedroom. Ashley still mostly co-slept with us, but there was a crib set off to the side of the room for when she napped. I gently placed her in the crib and adjusted the blanket so it would help to keep her propped sleeping on her side.
Cecelia was already sitting on the edge of our bed when I could finally give her my full attention. I slid to my knees in front of her and wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my head on her lap.
She gently stroked my hair.