I loved it when he took charge. I felt safe with him.

“You aren’t driving back to Dallas tonight, are you?”

He shook his head. “Not with Georgie. If it was just us, maybe. Let’s get your things, and then we can find a hotel for the night.”

I pointed into my room. “That’s my room. Grab my clothes. I’ll get my things from the bathroom.”

I stopped and looked at the mess Reina left as she was getting ready to go out. I groaned. I really did not like her.

I grabbed my stuff out of the shower. The new bottle of conditioner was suspiciously light. Screw her, she was using my stuff. Too bad there was nothing of hers that I liked enough to consider taking with me. But I was feeling petty. I left the shampoo and conditioner after I dumped them down the drain and put about an inch of water in the bottles.

I stepped into my room, and Sterling was going through all of the empty drawers. “Is this all you packed?” He gestured to the small pile of clothes on the bed.

“I didn’t think I was going to be here for more than two weeks, so I didn’t pack much. The complex has decent laundry facilities, so I just wash and wear what I’ve got.” I grabbed my clothes and shoved them into the small bag I had originally packed everything in. I grabbed the library book off the bedside table. “Ready.”

Sterling led the way out of the room. He scanned his gaze around the apartment. “Anything else yours?”

I shrugged. “The mess. But Reina can deal with it. I’ve had to put up with her sloppiness.”

I followed him out of the apartment. I stopped when he beeped to unlock a giant Cadillac SUV.

“I should have guessed you drove a car like this. This or a tiny little sports car,” I said as I tossed my bag into the back seat.

“You’ve seen my car before,” he said.

I shook my head. “Nope, anytime I’ve been with you in a car, it’s been a car service or a limo.”

“There are so many more interesting things to do than drive. But yes, this is my car. I’m too tall for most sports cars.”

It made sense. He was tall. Those tiny little cars would require him to fold up on himself. It couldn’t be comfortable.

I sighed and closed my eyes as he pulled away from the apartment. I hadn’t left a note for Reina. I was a bad roommate. I didn’t care. She was a worse roommate. Sterling drove, and a few minutes later, he pulled into a hotel parking lot. I waited in the car with Georgie. She was out cold. Sound asleep.

He climbed back in and handed me a card key. He parked, and we went inside.

The room was a basic nice hotel room. It felt clean in a way I could never get that apartment to feel. I flopped onto the big king-sized bed.

About five minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

“Who’s that?” I asked as I sat up. I began pulling my shoes off.

A moment later, someone rolled in a crib. Sterling pointed to an empty spot for it. He handed the bellhop a tip, and we were alone again. He unfastened Georgie, and my heart thrummed just watching how careful he was with her as he put her into the crib. When I first met him, he had been insufferable with a cocktail and leaving her on the floor, and now, he was the best father that little girl could have.

He climbed onto the bed and pulled me against him. We lay like that, just holding each other for the longest time. His hand brushed over my back and shoulder.

I couldn’t help it. I had Sterling in my arms. I let my hands roam over his body, feeling the shape of his muscles through his clothes. He let out a soft moan and eased me back onto the mattress before covering me with his length and kissing me.

His lips were tender and warm, and kissing him was the singular best thing that had happened to me in at least a month. His hand skimmed over my ribs before cupping a breast.

I lifted my leg over his and shifted, pressing my hips tighter to his.

With a groan, he pushed away and climbed out of bed.

“Hey,” I complained.

“Here we go,” was all he said as he unlocked the wheels on the crib and rolled it into the bathroom.

“Did you just put Georgie in the bathroom?” I asked.