“The PI I’ve got looking for Georgie’s father. It took him about three days once I called him. But then I had to stick around for another few days. Long story short, I’m suing the agency for lack of disclosure. I suspect they are playing games that will endanger Georgie.”
Her head snapped up. “What?”
“After you left, I complained that Peggy Stanholt had overstepped her position as a case manager. She had no right to snoop through my belongings. She violated my trust, and probably some laws. I’ve got my lawyer on that. Then about a week or so after that, they told me they found Georgie’s father.”
“No,” Cecelia said in a long, drawn-out word. “They couldn’t have. I’m so sorry.” She knew how I felt about Georgie. She knew that Georgie’s biological father showing up was devastating.
“Yeah. I called to chew out my guy. He was supposed to be one of the best. He told me there was no way they found the father when he couldn’t. And then he planted an idea that at first seemed paranoid. But after I mentioned it to my lawyer, I’m not so sure it was paranoid. We immediately began taking precautions. That took some time.”
“What does that mean?” Cecelia sat on the floor next to the car seat. Georgie was still asleep.
“It means I only want people I can trust near Georgie.”
“I can’t be your case worker, Sterling.”
“I don’t want you to be my caseworker. I want you. I am here because of what’s going on, but not why you think. As it dawned on me that someone might want to take Georgie from me, I also realized they were taking you from me. They had taken you from me.”
Cecelia gulped, and tears started flowing down her cheeks again.
“I want you back, Cecelia. I miss you. Georgie misses you.”
She glanced over at the baby. “She doesn’t know I’m gone.”
I stood and hovered over them. “She does. She looks at your picture and…” I took a deep breath.
Cecelia blinked up at me. Her eyes were bright with the remnants of tears. She put her hand on my leg.
My body surged in response. Her hand against me tightened in my gut. My pulse was far from settled.
I lowered to be close to her. I brushed a stray, random hair away from her brow.
“Georgie looks at your pictures, because I show her them. She gives them slobbery baby kisses, and she calls you Mama.”
Cecelia gasped and covered her mouth. She looked from me to the baby and back.
“Oh, baby. Sterling?” She reached out for me.
I pulled her to me. “Come back to us, to me. You belong with us.”
Her answer was a kiss.
Sterling came for me. His lips were home and his arms my secure shelter. I had felt so lost and alone, and he was here now.
“I couldn’t even think after I thought you were breaking up with me. I hurt so completely. It hurts every day,” I confessed when his lips left mine.
“Shh, Cecelia, shh. I’m here. We’re together. Everything will work out, I promise. Come, stay with me and Georgie tonight. We’ll all be together like we are meant to be.” He hooked his finger under my chin and looked deep into my eyes.
I missed his deep, earnest expression when he was being caring and thoughtful. I had missed him so much.
I nodded. There was no way they could stay here, not with Reina. She had been here a week, and I had found her in my room more than once. I was really glad I had only packed the basics and we weren’t the same size. I did not trust her not to take my clothes or anything she wanted.
“Get me out of here. I hate this place so much,” I whined.
“Tell me what you need. Let’s get your things. You’re coming with me right now,” he said.