Cecelia raged and threw her hands as she paced in a tight circle. “I wish I knew. I mean, fine, they think there is something going on between us, then fire me already. But I don’t get the whole point of removing me from the case and then spying on you.”

“Are they investigating me?” I asked.

“Not that I know of, but there is something else going on that I am not privy to. I thought they just didn’t want me getting too attached.”

I started to chuckle, but one look at her face, and the sound died in my throat. Cecelia did not find humor in the irony of that.

“Are you listening to me?” She stopped and glared at me.

“I am listening.”

“Then why don’t you say something?” she asked.

She was so distressed, she wasn’t making sense. How was I supposed to listen and still say something? I had heard her. The Stanholt woman was snooping through my belongings. I already had a list forming in my head of what to do next. I would give the agency a call and request their documentation on a background check and any insurance bonding they had on her. I would request that an internal investigation be made regarding the removal of any other belongings from my home.

I smiled slightly, not because of the extra unnecessary work this situation put me in but because of Cecelia’s influence on my life. I was making lists. I could even visualize each step in her loopy handwriting on a sheet of paper.

Pointing out that she was working herself into a frenzy wasn’t going to do anyone any favors. “I was thinking about what you said. I am listening, and this puts us at a disadvantage.”

“Disadvantage? Sterling, they’re transferring me across the state.”

“What? Why?” I asked.

She pinched her lips shut and breathed through her nose like a huffing bull ready to charge. “Apparently, it’s a temporary transfer, at least for now. They don’t even care that I have clients here who will be put at a disadvantage by my absence.”

I stared at her, still wrapping my head around what she was telling me. They were spying on me, on us.

“Okay, how temporary?”

She glared at me and stared hard. “They are sending me away!”

“I heard you. Why? Where?” I needed more answers than I was getting.

“You don’t look very upset.” Cecelia’s words were very clipped. She adjusted her shoulders and stood more upright.

“I’m still trying to make sense out of what you are telling me. No, I don’t like any of the words you’ve said so far, but I don’t have enough information to be upset yet. Trust me, I will get there.” It was hard to keep irritation out of my voice. Cecelia was frantic, and I wasn’t keeping up because she wasn’t giving me all of the pertinent details.

“I don’t have a choice. If I want to keep my job, I have to be there next week. And then they might decide to make it permanent.”

I didn’t ask, I just lifted my hands in a hopeless gesture. “Where?”

“They’re sending me to Amarillo!” she wailed.

And then the baby monitor started wailing. I was surrounded with the sirens of distressed women. Georgie shrieked. I flinched.

“Let me get her.” I started to turn to get the baby.

“That’s all you’re going to say?”

“Cecelia, I have to get the baby,” I said evenly.

“Oh, crap. Why did I even bother?” She continued to glare at me as she stepped inside the elevator and punched the buttons.

I was torn between getting Georgie and going after Cecelia. Georgie didn’t scream like that. I had to see what was wrong. I was surprised that Cecelia wasn’t following me. I turned to watch her step into the elevator.

“Cecelia, that’s not what… I meant,” But she didn’t hear me as the doors closed on my words. I stood there, still, not exactly certain how to respond.

Georgie howled again and I ran down the hallway. “What?” I barked as I crashed into her room.