Sterling tapped that item. “What do you mean?”
“You can’t order everything online. Georgie will sometimes have immediate needs. You should know what’s available to you. Do you have a twenty-four-hour pharmacy?”
Sterling’s brow twisted, making his eyebrows cock up. “That’s a good question. I don’t take any prescription meds, so…”
I nodded. “Find out. Maybe Wayne has a resource for you that you aren’t aware of. High fevers and ear infections never seem to happen in the middle of the afternoon.” I drew an arrow from local resources and wrote down Pharmacy and then Emergency Room. “Find out if the local ER has a pediatric ward, or which children’s hospital is closest.”
Sterling ran his hand through his hair and let out a breath. “I thought we were going to write down what needed to go into a diaper bag. I didn’t think about needing to take her to the emergency room. Add to your list to find her a pediatrician.”
“There’s so much to learn and do. It’s why even after spending as much time with you as I have, it feels like you’re behind. Did I forget to tell you to restock the diaper bag? Yes, but with everything else, did I really need to?”
Sterling shook his head. “You shouldn’t have needed to tell me to restock a diaper bag. I should have known better. I should have thought about putting together an emergency plan. I’ve been reacting to the situation. This morning was really nice. I didn’t have to worry about not being prepared.” He shrugged. “At least until the diaper bag fiasco.”
He put his hand over mine, and every time he did that, it sent zaps of electricity up my arm.
We continued to build the list. It grew and took over multiple pages. Wayne took away the lunch dishes. Georgie woke up, but we kept working on the list.
After hours of brainstorming, Sterling had an emergency plan and a task list that involved calling pediatricians in the morning to find Georgie a doctor. And I had a shopping list of items for the diaper bag and for a pediatric medicine cabinet. There wasn’t even baby aspirin in the apartment.
Sterling offered to order everything, but he needed everything immediately. What if tonight was the night Georgie got sick?
I thought about asking him to come with me. Had someone who had grown up as rich as Sterling ever been in a big box store? Did he know what discount shopping was? But Georgie was acting tired. She was a little clingy and hugging her stuffed cat toy. Maybe the zoo had been too much for her?
I wanted to be near the two of them.
That thought was what made me realize I needed to leave and do the shopping on my own. “If you think of anything while I’m out…” I started.
“I know, I’ll text you. Georgie and I will be fine. She is going to help me with the stroller again, like this morning. This time, without a deadline, I think we’ll be fine.”
“Okay.” I was nervous about leaving them. He was her guardian, and as difficult as it started off, Sterling’s abilities to care for Georgie and know what she needed were improving every day. He didn’t need me to hold his hand through the process.
The problem was, I wanted to hold his hand. I liked it far too much when he held mine. I lacked professional distance from the situation. Greta had warned me not to fall in love with the children. She hadn’t mentioned anything about the guardian. That went without saying.
I couldn’t help myself. Sterling was charming, and kind, and seeing him with Georgie twisted up my insides. I looked at the picture on my phone. Georgie looked like she was his child. Why wouldn’t she? And in our coordinating outfits, we looked like a family.
My heart hurt. It was a family I would do anything to be a part of. It was a family I shouldn’t be thinking about and should be distancing myself from. But it was the closest to being in a family I had felt in forever, and I liked that feeling. I should have said something about wearing yellow like Georgie the second I walked out that elevator. I should have told Sterling to put a different shirt on. Should have, would have, could have. But I didn’t, and now I had a little family photo that shouldn’t exist.
Afternoon traffic getting to the store was a mess. But I took my time. I needed to think. What was I going to do? I was falling in love with Sterling. He was a client, and off limits.
“You came back,” I said as Cecelia strolled into the kitchen carrying several plastic shopping bags.
“I wasn’t going to take all of this home when Georgie needs it here.” She sounded wiped out.
“Two for dinner?” Wayne asked as Cecelia put her bags on the table.
I glanced up at her and raised my eyebrows in question. “Well? You don’t have plans for dinner tonight, do you?”
She blinked a few times. “Oh, two, you mean me?” She stared at Georgie, who was in the process of shoving fists full of chopped up chicken and rice into her mouth. The kid was eating everything. Tonight, the mess was minimal.
“Georgie is already having her dinner. Yes, you. Please, have dinner with us.”
She smiled, and the simple curve of her lips changed the mood of the entire room. It was as if sunlight broke through storm clouds, bringing warmth and golden light. I felt it in my chest.
“Yes, two for dinner,” I answered Wayne. “Show me what you got.”