“You’re early,” I said. “Want coffee?”
“Thank you,” Cecelia said as she took a seat. She looked severe this morning. She wore a gray suit with a plain pink shirt. Her hair was twisted at the back of her head. She really was a lovely woman, even dressed for business. “Did you think about what I mentioned the other night?”
She thought she was here to take Georgie into foster care. That wasn’t happening.
“I did. I had a conversation with Robin Johnson after you left.”
Cecelia furrowed her brow.
“The woman who swept in like a grandmother. She gave me some guidance.”
“You take guidance?” Cecelia’s voice was sharp.
“Cute.” I acknowledged her sarcasm by raising my own brows. “I take guidance. I purchased everything you told me to. And believe it or not, I even know how to ask for help. Which I am doing right now. The books you suggested have some good information, but they do not really help with the hands-on aspect of this. And as you can see, Georgie is a hands-on kind of girl.”
She had a fist full of mush and was trying to chew on her hand.
“I understand there are parenting courses. I need some assistance in locating those, getting signed up. Also, I am going to need a little more coaching through the day-to-day.”
Cecelia stared at me for a long moment.
“Your coffee, Miss.” Wayne placed a mug in front of Cecelia.
Her gaze fell to the mug, and she stared at it for even longer. “What made you decide to keep her?” Cecelia’s voice was quiet.
“Not keeping Georgie isn’t really an option. She’s family, and it isn’t her fault that I don’t know how to take care of her. But I’m the adult here, and it is my responsibility. She is my sister’s daughter. I owe it to both of them, Georgie and Argene, to do my best. She stays with me until her father is located.”
Cecelia lifted her eyes to meet mine. Tears pooled against her lower lids, and her lip quivered.
She blinked a few times before wiping her face. “I’m really happy to hear that.”
I reached out and placed her hand over mine. Warmth spread up my arm. She started to laugh in relief. “I’m really glad you are keeping her. I’d miss her.”
The way Cecelia’s gaze was locked with mine, and the warmth that flowed between us where our hands touched, it felt as if she were saying she’d miss me. Maybe that was just my ego talking.
Sterling didn’t have a clue how to parent a child, but that didn’t make him a bad person. I needed to shift my judgmental attitude. I was making moral assessments when they weren’t appropriate because of my past. The man needed an education, and part of my job to make their family function was to help him with that education.
Instead, I spent my first week being pissed off that someone thought handing a baby off to a man like him was a good idea. But if they hadn’t, I wouldn’t be going out with him and Georgie. Today was training day. I had no idea how to train him to be a parent. So, I was showing him what I thought I would do if I had a kid.
The elevator door slid open. As usual, Wayne was waiting to escort me inside. “Good morning, Miss Cecelia.”
“Good morning, Wayne. Is everyone ready?”
“By everyone, you mean Mr. Sterling and Miss Georgie. They are still making their preparations.”
“You aren’t coming with us?” My insides clenched a little. Was I nervous he would say yes, or no?
“Who, me? Certainly not. My duties keep me here.”
I swear I saw him shiver as if going to the zoo was distasteful. He led me into the living room. A few days ago, there was no way to tell a child lived here. Now, there was no way to miss it. Foam pool noodles were cut to size and wrapped over corners of tables and walls. A few soft toys were scattered about. A pink checkerboard quilt was spread out on the floor. Georgie sat in the middle surrounded by fabric cubes and a few stuffed animals. She wore a cotton onesie with a yellow sundress over that. A matching bucket hat was already on her head and a bow was tied under her chin to keep it in place.
I was also wearing yellow. We almost matched, only I didn’t have a bucket hat with a strap tied under my chin.
Sterling was down on the floor next to her. He was not ready, still in the plaid soft pants and T-shirt I assumed he'd slept in. I made sure to keep my eyes on his face or my attention on the baby. While she looked content to play on her blanket, he did not look happy as he wrestled with a collection of grey and black tubes. At first, I thought it might be a vacuum cleaner, but when I saw the wheels, I figured it was a stroller.