“Right.” He reached into the inner pocket and pulled out a folded-up postcard and handed it to me. “This has the information on it.”

Reluctantly, I took the postcard. It was red and gold, and before I had a chance to read anything on it, Sterling stepped out of my apartment and closed the door behind him.

The entitlement… the arrogant… How dare he? I dropped the postcard and ran out the door after him. The concrete outside was rough on my bare feet. I dashed down the stairs and did my best to get across the parking area to where he stood next to a waiting limo.

He was unbuttoning his jacket and laughing. I could see someone inside the car waiting for him. He slid into the car.

“Wait!” I yelled as he leaned out to grab the door handle.

He paused and looked at me.

I stared at him and at the woman he was sitting next to. She was stunning, lots of expensive jewelry, smoky makeup, and a designer red dress. My gut clenched. I was going to have to put a sticker over my little memory note that this man had tried to kiss me. That was a memory clearly best forgotten.

“Did she just leave the baby alone?” the woman asked.

“She’s in a car seat, she’s not going anywhere. And right now, neither should you,” I snarled.

“We can talk about this later, Cecelia. I’m expected, and we are late,” Sterling chastised me.

“We can talk about this now,” I said. “How did you even find out where I live?”

“Go back inside, Cecelia. I will compensate you for your time.”

“Seriously? You think this is about money? Sterling, you simply cannot just show up and expect me to be able to watch Georgie because you have a party to go to.”

“It’s not a party. Go back inside. I don’t have time for this.”

He pulled the door closed. I had to jump back before my fingers got closed in the door or the limo ran over my toes.

“What the actual hell?” I yelled after him as they drove off.

I picked my way across the parking lot, tiny rocks biting into the bottoms of my feet as I hobbled along. I can’t believe the arrogance of that man to just drop Georgie off. As if I were set up to take care of his kid. Was this some kind of retribution because the agency I worked for basically did that to him when they dropped her off?

“What the heck, kid?” I asked the baby when I got back inside. She complained and kicked. I didn’t blame her. I wouldn’t want to be restrained in a car seat either.

I cast my gaze around my mess. It wasn’t safe to take her out. And she shouldn’t be here, anyway. It wasn’t like he had called me and planned for me to babysit. I wasn’t supposed to do things like that, but honestly, if he had asked, I would have. But this? This wasn’t right.

With a huff and a growl, I started to gather up my supplies. “I need to make it so you won’t get into anything,” I said to Georgie.

She started to fuss more, and then she made a face, and… I sighed. She needed a diaper change. I picked up the diaper bag and started to sort through it. Everything was new and still wrapped in plastic and in the original container. I got the impression this was one of those pre-stocked diaper bags. It had everything a diaper bag should have, including diapers. The first one I pulled out was for an infant. It was far too small for Georgie.

I kept rummaging and pulling out more diapers. There was a small collection of diapers in different sizes. Finding one I figured would fit her, I got everything set up before I released Georgie from the car seat.

“Okay, sweetie, it’s time for new pants. And then I think we’re gonna have to go find out what Uncle Sterling thinks he’s getting away with. My time may not seem important to him, but it’s my time. And as adorable as you are, you are not my responsibility. It’s not that I don’t want to spend the evening playing with you. I have plans, boring, lonely plans with stickers and my date book, and there was going to be wine and ice cream later. It’s more about setting boundaries. Just because your uncle is hot, and rich, it doesn’t mean he can get away with this.”

She cooed.

I took it as an agreement.



“I’ll be right back,” I said to Katherine, my date for the evening. I left her chatting with Maurice Hunt to go in search of more champagne. Maurice had cornered me early, making sure to secure a financial pledge from the Alexander estate. Only I hadn’t agreed to anything yet. There was a game that needed to be played. Rules of engagement, as it were. There was a certain level of conversation to be had, maybe even a presentation to sit through. It seemed like a buzzkill to whip the checkbook out and make my contribution before all of the festivities even happened. Fortunately, tonight, there wasn’t a stage with a podium for speeches. Tonight was all about chit-chat and networking.

Katherine smiled and let her hand trail down my arm before grasping my fingers and squeezing. So far this evening, other than the confusion and mild unpleasantness surrounding having Cecelia watch Georgie, I was having a great time. Katherine made it abundantly clear that she anticipated returning home with me when we were done here.

Could I leave Georgie with Cecelia all night? I didn’t think that was going to be an option. After all, Cecelia had not seemed onboard with the whole idea, anyway. So, speeding this evening along seemed like a good idea. That way, I could still show off my dance skills and spin Katherine across the floor, get her back home for a proper seduction, and return to Cecelia’s in time to pick up Georgie before midnight.