“You, Lynn. It’s all you.” Oh my.
“I, I don’t understand. Why Zach? I’m...I’m nobody.” My shoulders drop as I state the obvious. Sure, I managed to pull myself up and got a job. I have my own studio apartment. But me, a little orphan girl, no family, no friends, no roots. He could do so much better. I sneak a glance up at him, and his nose is spread as his hands clench and unclench.
“You don’t get to talk about my woman that way. Ever.” he demands moving toward me. My heart begins to pick up as my body once again awakens. I quickly scan the room taking stock of everything in it. Partially looking for a way out, but also looking for somewhere to lay and offer myself to him. God how does he turn me inside out. “I was going to wait. Give you time. Woo you. Let you come to the understanding before I took you. But, I can see you doubting everything you are. Everything we are going to be. I am done waiting. I waited a year for you to know how special you are. Apparently I went about it wrong.”
Done with his speech, he bends and lifts me in his arms, kissing me before moving us in the direction of his bed. Savoring that kiss, I kiss him back, wanting him to know I am with him. At least for the moment. I mean, it can’t be for any more than that. Can it?
I can feel her doubting herself even as her mouth attaches itself to mine. That’s ok. I intend to love all her doubts away. We make it to the bed, me carrying her and I lay her down slowly. It takes her a minute to move her arms from around my neck. She continues sucking my tongue into her mouth, moaning and moving against me. Shit. I am trying so hard to go slow and make her feel it. But fuck if she isn’t pushing me. Moving back, I catch my breath and try to calm her down.
“Shh...baby it’s ok. Calm down. I know. So fucking beautiful.” I begin taking my shirt and pants off, gazing over her, taking it all in. I want to memorize the disheveledness of her hair. The redness of her face from the heat overtaking her. I want to recall the way her puffy lips, part to catch her breath because she is still trying to calm herself. I want to remember all of it.
Once I have taken my clothes off down to my boxers, I remove her shirt, kissing her neck and mouth as I take my time savoring everything about her. The way she smells. Like lemon and Jasmine. The way she moans, every time I touch her. My fingers skim over her bra strap and it falls a bit, allowing the swell of her breasts and the very top of it to unveil itself for me.
“Fuck baby. You have no idea how bad I want to devour every single inch of you. But I will settle for your little pink nipple. You want that don’t you?” She barely gets her nod out before my mouth covers her nipple and treats it like my personal lollipop. How the hell are her nipples sweet? Shit! I am about to remove her bottoms when I am stopped by a cute but unwanted intruder.
Woof. Woof.
Bingo barks as he jumps on the bed with us, licking Lynn in her face. We both bust up laughing, not needing to acknowledge how funny and frustrating this all at once. The truth is though, I am glad he stopped us. My plan was not to fuck her today. I simply wanted her to know, we were it for one another. However, being this close to her, overtook me. Looking at her face as she laughs with Bingo, almost makes me weep. She glows when she is isn’t guarded and smiling. Her face looks so young and carefree. Leave it to Bingo. Which brings me back to the thought I was having earlier. I lean over and kiss her one more time, loving that she responds to me instantly. Pulling back, I get up and put my clothes back on, helping her with hers, even though she blushes.
“Hey baby, I had a question.” I begin. “Did you ever think of making Bingo a service dog of sorts?” She looks at me with the question floating around. Guiding them both into the kitchen, I begin to make lunch before I continue. “While you were inside the pizza place, when I took Bingo out to potty, we met a little girl, taking chemo for Leukemia. Her mom mentioned that she hasn’t seen her smile since the treatment started. She commented about how good it is to her laughing as Bingo was licking her face. It got me to thinking. I mean you should have seen him. He was so calm and gentle with her. It was like he knew.” I tell her watching as he eats the meat I threw on the floor for him.
“Really? You think he would be good at it? I always thought you had to send them away for months and months to be trained to do that kind of thing.” she says looking at him smiling. I can see her mind thinking about it, but I also realize he is her service of sorts. He is her company, her companion. The one thing that makes her laugh. So sending him away, won’t work for her either.
“How about I look into for you? What do you say?” she picks him up and rubs his head and I can see the sadness in her eyes. I could my whole life and never see that look on her face. I simply want to make her happy, every second of everyday. “Look, if we can't find one where he gets to stay home, then we forget I ever mentioned it. Sound good?” She looks at me and smiles and my fucking heart stops. I swear I want to grab my chest and stumble back. So fucking gorgeous. All mine.
“Sure. It would be cool to have a dog that makes sick little kids so happy for a few hours a week.”
“Awesome. I will look into it. In the meantime, you and I need to get a few things straight.” I know I am probably going about this wrong, but I cannot have her leaving here without her knowing where this is going. “You and I, we are happening. As of right this second, you belong to me. Understand?”
“I-I mean ...why? Why would you want me? I’m nobody.” This is the shit I am going to work on first. I hate that she thinks so lowly of herself. Especially when it couldn’t be further from the truth.
“That shit. Baby you are going to stop that shit. You are more than just somebody. You are everything. To me. You’re beautiful, sweet, kind and so fucking smart. You are helpful, dependable and whether you know it or not, you are going to be my wife. I have been in love with you for a year. Waiting, biding my time, trying to give you time to come into your own. That was a mistake, I do not plan to make again. I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t talk about the love of my life like that.” There. I said it. I turn back to grab some water and when I gauge a sneak at her, she is staring at me, eyes overflowing with tears, not saying a word.
“Lynn, please don’t cry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Please talk to me.” I walk around the island and wrap my arms around her. As she bawls her eyes out I have never felt so helpless as I do right now. “Please tell me how to fix it.” I beg into her hair.
“Y-you love me?” she hiccups out making me laugh.
“Yes sweet girl. More than you will ever know.” she doesn’t say anything else after that, and I choose not to push her. I know she has a busy day tomorrow with the meeting going on and all and as much as it kills me to have to, I take her home. She opens her front door and lets Bingo inside. When she looks up at me, I know what she is thinking so I kiss her and tell her.
“No, baby. I am not coming inside.” her shoulders slump over like somehow she suspected I would change my mind. Fuck! Trying to do the right thing is hard. “Look at me Lynn.” I wait for her eyes to connect with mine. “Trust me. It is not because I want nothing more than to finish what we started earlier. But that would be selfish of me. I just gave you a lot to think about and I want you to have a second to come to terms with all of this on your own, before I move you into our new place, Friday. Once that is done, there won’t be a natural disaster big enough to keep me out of your pussy. Now, go inside, get some sleep. I love you baby.” I kiss her, pat her ass and push her inside shutting her door. Once I hear the lock click, I walk away.
Mission almost accomplished.
Now I know what people mean when they say whirlwind. It has been one hell of a week. When Zach dropped me back off at home that day, I had no idea what to make of everything he said. Part of me wanted to brush it off as the words a playboy uses to get into a woman’s pants. But the thing is, he didn’t. That night or any other night, for that matter. Have we fooled around? Every day after work. He waits for me to get off, we go have dinner either out or his place...excuse me, our place and it always ends with his mouth or hands all over me. And I do mean ALL over. The first few days, he didn’t bring up or mention me moving in with him again, so I thought maybe he changed his mind, figuring we were moving too fast. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed, but also sort of relieved. I still couldn’t grasp the fact that he said he has been in love with me for a year. Me! I didn’t get it. But apparently that didn’t matter. He never stopped telling me. Multiple times a day, until one day, I said it back and found that I meant it. That was the day, everything was cemented apparently. That was Thursday to be exact.