I remove my hoodie and drape it across the back of a bar stool. “That’s one thing we will never agree on.”
His mother sets the bottle of wine on the counter and rummages through the drawers and smiles once she pulls out a wine opener. “I like having a woman around. None of these knuckleheads ever bring anyone home. And they definitely never bring me wine either.”
Cole’s brothers walk into the room from the living room. “We heard that,” Weston says.
Weston and Bennett Halliday. I’ve never met them, but I know all about them. How can you not know all about the Halliday brothers from the media. They’re everywhere. I think they even made People’s ‘Hottest 50 Sports Players List’.
Looking at all three brothers, I’m a bit speechless.
“Amber, this is my brother Bennett.” Cole points at his brother with blonde hair and green eyes, who has a smile to die for. “And this is Weston, the baby of the family.” Cole laughs as he punches the other brother in the arm.
They spin off to wrestle with each other, each of them name calling and laughing as they throw punch after punch.
They’re all a bit overwhelming when they all stand next to each other. Of course, I will always think Cole is the sexiest man on the planet, but it doesn’t mean his brothers aren’t also blessed in the looks department.
Makes me wonder how they’re both still single. Actually, I’ve read a few articles about how Bennett and Weston Halliday go through women like race cars go through tires.
I don’t know if there’s any truth to the rumors, but it would explain why they’re both still single.
“See what I had to deal with?” Cole’s mother Rose says, laughing along with her sons.
At this point, Rose has already opened the bottle of wine and poured me a glass. She hands it to me, and I take a sip.
“Are they always like this?” I ask with a laugh as the guys settle down and head for the fridge to grab a beer.
“I’m the mature one,” Cole adds, before his mother can answer.
After Bennett and Weston open their beers, they say their hellos to me.
“She’s great. Why’s she with you?” Bennett asks Cole.
“She’s clearly been guilted into this whole thing,” Weston adds.
I laugh. “Cole and I met through the app.”
They both glare at their mother.
“I’m never going to fall in love,” Weston says, taking a long pull of his beer.
“Never say never,” Cole counters.
“One of these days, they’ll both meet their match.” Rose smiles with an all-knowing look. Like she’s set this whole app up to aid in her son’s love life.
It definitely worked in Cole’s case, but who’s to say it’ll work for Bennett or Weston? Maybe it will.
After dinner, Cole takes me outside. The air is perfect, and the stars shine bright over the bay.
“I love it here,” Cole says, taking a deep breath. He steps further out onto the patio that overlooks the water.
“I love it here too,” I tell him as I wrap my arms around his waist and snuggle into his chest. “I think we should buy a house here.”
He kisses the top of my head. “I love my place near downtown Miami, but out here by the bay is so much nicer. Would you move in with me if I bought a place out here in Biscayne Bay?”
My heart flutters, and chills erupt all over. “Yes, I want that. Cole, I’m in for the long haul. You’re not getting rid of me anytime soon. I know I was afraid before, but I’m not afraid of any of it now. I want it all with you.”
He leans back so he can gaze into my eyes. “I want it all with you, too.” He kneels on one knee and reaches into his pocket.