I’ll just have to prove it to her. I mean, I can’t lose her. I just can’t. I know what I want. I think she just needs a little time to see it too. I hope.

No, I know this woman loves me. I can tell by the way she chews on her bottom lip as she tries to push me away. I can tell by the way she held me tight as I pushed my cock deep inside her. I know she loves me.

I just do.

“Cole, I never want to see you again.” She grabs her overnight bag and leaves out the front door.

Fuck. I want to chase after her, but I won’t. Not right now. She needs time. Maybe we both do. No, I know she’s the woman I want.

And I’ll fight for her until the day I die.

Chapter 11


“What did he say once you said your worlds were so different?” Jenny asks me, leaning against my kitchen counter.

It’s been a long afternoon, and I’m still beating myself up for even mentioning anything to Cole at all last night.

“He said he was exhausted and thinks we should talk about it later,” I say, swiping my hair behind my ear. “I just shouldn’t have said anything. Maybe I’m getting cold feet.” I want to fling my body on my oversized sofa, but instead, I open the fridge and pull out another bottle of Chardonnay.

“Really?” Jenny asks with a raise of her brow.

“You’re not allowed to judge me.” I point at her.

She holds up her empty wine glass. “No judgies here.”

I twist off the cap and fill her glass, then I pour myself a full glass. I sit back down on the stool beside her. “Wine is my happy place.”

“Wine is everyone’s happy place.”

“I think Cole prefers beer.”

Jenny’s mouth hangs open in shock. “You two really are from different worlds,” she exclaims.

I swat at her sarcasm and take another sip of my wine. “Shut up,” I say back to her.

She laughs, and then her eyes grow serious, and she reaches out and touches my hand with her. “All kidding aside, what are you gonna do?”

I shrug. “What would you do in my situation?”

Jenny perks up, her eyes shining bright. “Are you joking? Cole is gorgeous. He obviously cares a lot about you, and well, I kind of think he’s perfect for you.”

I take another sip of my wine, thinking about everything Jenny is saying to me. Is Cole really perfect? Was I just being shy and not wanting to take a leap? The leap? “Hmm.”

“Look, it’s only natural to be scared. This is a big thing. Love doesn’t just come around everyday.” She giggles. “Well, unless you’re my cousin Greta. She’s in love with some new loser every other week. The relationships never last.”

I nod. “Ah, she’s an ‘I love you slut’. I used to work with a girl like that.”

“Yeah, and that’s not you. This is your chance to be in love.” She squeezes her fist to her chest. “Like a real love, Amber.”

I nod, still thinking.

“There’s really only one thing that matters.” Jenny grabs her wine glass, chugging down the rest of her drink.

“What’s that?” I ask her. I perk up in my seat, ready for her words of wisdom. What is the only thing that matters?

Our different worlds?