“Dude, I say fucking forget it. Go find another hoe to fuck who is your type, dumb and pretty. Then let her suck your dick until you can’t remember that chicks name,” Bennett answers. “You don’t want this shit fucking with your head. We are both in the middle of our hockey season, and you know that’s a no fly zone to have emotional baggage.”
“Don’t you have a game Sunday, Cole?” Weston asks.
“Yeah, man, big game. We are playing Tennessee,” I say. As the tight end of the Florida Sharks, I have been watching plays from the other team we are going against, studying their quarterback’s moves and watching for things that indicate where he is going as well as their defensive line.
“You have any advice for our brother, Cole?” Weston asks. “You have always been the level headed one, unlike numnuts here.”
“I don’t know, man. Just see if you can get her out of your head before the game. Weston is right that you don’t want that messing with your head this week. You need to focus, being the right winger is tough enough,” I respond. “You need your head in the game man.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just… It wasn’t just pussy for a change. It was something more. She’s special,” Weston utters, putting his hand on his head and sighing.
“Hey, how did that Halloween date go?” Weston asks with a smile.
“Man, Amber is like fire. She came out in this catsuit, and oh my fucking God, I almost shot my load right there,” I confess, remembering her costume. She had looked so damn sexy.
“Don’t tell me you’re falling for a client. Mom will kill you,” Bennett reminds me.
“I haven’t even seen her since we stayed at the hotel for the weekend of the event,” I say.
“You stayed at a hotel with her? Mom approved that as part of your date? Who the fuck paid for it?” Bennett asks, his mouth hanging open.
“Shut the fuck up. You know Mom doesn’t have to approve my lovers. And I paid for the fucking hotel. Who gives a shit?” I state.
“Are you going to see her again?” Weston inquires.
“Yeah, probably,” I say, trying to sound nonchalant.
“He’s going to see her again. Look at that face. Our boy is in love,” Bennett scoffs.
“Shut the fuck up, dude. I gotta go.” I end the conversation.
I sigh, maybe they are right. This girl has me off my game. I’m like Weston, and I can’t stop thinking about Amber. She is beautiful, sexy, smart, and just so damn fun to be around.
No matter how much I don’t want to admit it, I am feeling out of sorts too. Thinking about Amber most of the week, wanting to stop by her house and fuck her brains out again.
But she hadn’t seemed too interested in spending any time together. As we left the hotel that morning, she had said, “I’ll call you.”
Call me… What the hell? We just shared the most amazing sex of our damn lives. I know she felt the same. There’s no way she hadn’t. The sex was unforgettable.
A night of cuddling, talking, sex, and room service had been remarkable as well. When I texted her with a simple, hey, she only texted back a few things but wasn’t asking, or better yet, begging me to come over.
I haven’t overstepped my bounds and just shown up at her house, which is exactly what I wanted to do. But I gave her space and figured, let her come to me. If she didn’t come around by next week I would reach out and invite her to a game.
Yeah, that was a good idea, invite her to my game. She could cheer for me, and then afterwards I could take her out for a nice dinner, and hopefully more after that.
Chapter 9
My phones sounds out with a ding to notify me of an incoming text message from Cole.
I have barely talked to him all week. I try to put him out of my mind, since our arrangement ended. But I cannot stop thinking about the amazing time we had at the hotel.
He held me all night, we had room service, talked about everything, and had the most amazing sex. But maybe that was it. He texted me a couple of times this past week, but I guess he is busy going out with other women.
Am I seriously jealous of supposed women who rent Cole? Yeah, I guess I am. After the weekend we had, I kept hoping I would see him randomly pop up at my apartment and take me again on the floor. Not even making it to my bedroom.
But it didn’t happen. So, I immersed myself in my job and tried to occupy my thoughts with something else. But each time I would begin to drift back to memories about our weekend. Especially, the way he held my neck as he thrust inside me.