"You're so fucking hot," she groaned, leaning up to kiss me. Why was I so sensitive? Even my lips tingled when she kissed me, and my heartbeat whooshed in my ears when she sucked my bottom lip into her mouth at the same time she did that maddening double-stroke on my cock.

I tried to speak, to swear, but all that escaped was a strangled groan.

Heat poured through me like lava, scorching my balls, making my cock jolt wildly. I arched my back, desperate for her to touch me everywhere, desperate to come. When she released my mouth to cover my face in kisses, I panted, each breath laboured and gruff. My hips shot off the chair, my body arched, mouth parted as pleasure built viciously.

"What's our plan to kill Cronus?" she asked me, lips trailing down my throat.


Her hands moved faster on my cock, gripping so perfectly tight, and when she slid back down my body so she could wrap her lips around my tip, sucking at the same time she twisted her hands—

My whole goddamn soul ripped out of my body and I climaxed so hard I stopped breathing. Pleasure gripped my cock even tighter than Haley's hands, wringing every last drop of cum from me, demanding even more when I thought I couldn't possibly keep coming. She swallowed everything I gave her, the suction and swirling of her tongue making me cry out.

Satisfaction flowed through her soul into mine, and I resumed breathing with a hard gasp, my ass slamming back into the chair as every bit of tension tore out of my body. Limp and weak, I panted, staring at the ceiling.

It was a moment before I realised she was speaking, her voice low and soothing, her fingers stroking through my hair as I came back down to Earth. Hell. Actually, I didn’t know where the fuck we were.

"Gods," I choked out.

She laughed, which seemed sadistic, but I'd probably given her the same laugh more than once. Satisfied she hadn't given me permanent brain damage, she ran her tongue over my soft cock, cleaning me up, and tucked me back into my underwear, pulling up my pants while I sat there, stunned.

When she dropped herself onto my lap and linked her arms behind my neck, I let my head fall onto her shoulder and breathed, "You are dangerous, Halwen Vakhara."

She snorted. "Don't worry, it's very mutual."

"Goddamn, Haley," I grunted, wrapping my arms around her now I could use them again.

Her laugh was entirely too smug. "Better?"

"So much better," I admitted, kissing her collarbone. "I think I need to sleep for a decade, though."

She laughed again, and the sound felt like a fucking miracle. She was here, and mine, and defiantly alive.

I'd do whatever it took to keep it that way. But first, I needed to sleep.



"My arm's going numb," I complained, giving Wynvail a dark look.

"You'll cope," he replied sleepily and rolled closer, his head pillowed on my forearm and his body wrapped around mine. He looked peaceful and happy, and I didn't want to move him, but fuck my arm was starting to hurt.

"Can you lay your head on my chest instead?" I asked, raking my fingernails through his short hair and tugging on the ends. "Please, Wyn?" I whined, appealing to his better nature. "Just for a little while?"

When he didn't even snort, I nudged his shoulder, and choked on a cry when the heat and solidity of him collapsed under my hand.

"No," I gasped, sitting up suddenly, and shaking my head over and over. Denial was a spear in my chest. I couldn’t draw air.

I was covered in ashes, the grey stuff clinging to my hands, my arm, and piled on the bed in the shape of a body. Wynvail’s body.

He—he couldn't be—he was safe, he was fine. Hades and Persephone saved his soul, they gave him a new body, they saved him.

I sobbed, covering my mouth when my bottom lip quivered, and retched when ashes brushed my lips. I could taste him, could taste the ash and death of my mate.

Shaking, I threw myself off the bed, unprepared for the sight that met me. My whole world fell apart. There wasn’t one pile of ash on the bed. There were five. Five.

One for each of my mates.