The queen was powerful enough to take on gods and win, and her inner circle had been right there with her. They killed Zeus. They could figure out how to contain an army of murderous spirits; I just had to hold on long enough for … long enough for … for…

"Emlyn?" Verena asked shrilly. "Hey? Don't go to sleep. Please don't go to sleep."

"Won't," I vowed, but my tongue was thick and cold in my mouth and my body stooped, so much heavier than before.

"Shit," she breathed. "Hey! Back the fuck up, leave us alone. I'm warning you."

I was too weak to do anything when she shoved my right wing down and threw her hand up, golden light flaring at her fingertips. Even with my eyes slipping shut, I knew it wasn't enough magic to frighten a spirit, let alone the thirty who'd invaded the weapons room.

I braced myself for a slow, painful death and recoiled in surprise when light erupted in front of us, so powerful that all the spirits flocked towards it like moths to flame. She did it. Verena had saved us. She—

"What the fuck is taking so long?" a hateful, so fucking welcome voice snapped.

The beam of light split as Wynvail stepped out of it. He scanned the two of us and straightened, stalking over to us like a vengeful god.

Spirits scattered, but not out of fear; they rushed to where remnants of his moon-bright light remained, vultures through and through.

"Jesus," Wynvail breathed. "You don't look so good, Emlyn."

"The ghosts attacked us," Verena said urgently, her slim arm banding across my back like she could support me despite being a fifth of my size. "They came through the fucking walls."

"Ghosts will do that," Wynvail said dryly, but without any true amusement. More like he was going through the motions of humour. "Ready to get out of here?"

"Fuck yes," Verena breathed.

But she flinched into me when the psycho spirit rushed at us. "You think you can escape? I can taste your magic, little lamb. It's delicious."

A weak growl shook my throat. I forced my eyes open further, grabbing Verena's arm and pulling her closer, forgetting to be gentle. I'd apologise later when we were safe.

Wynvail wrapped his hand in silver-white light and punched the spirit in the throat. He staggered back, rage in his milky eyes, but Wynvail was already turning to us, grabbing my shoulder and Verena's arm.

White light enveloped us, stealing us away before the spirits could leech any more of our power. I was so fucking glad Wynvail was alive again. He was a smug, cruel bastard and I hated him but … he was family. He was one of us, too.

And he just saved our lives. Saved my promise.

The light relinquished its grip on us, and I fell to my knees on the thick rug in the safe house living room, panting, my head spinning and my whole body weak. I was surprised to hear multiple voices crying out, and even more surprised when I lifted my heavy head and found everyone here—Wane, Harvey, and Kai, all rushing towards me.

I must have been in Hell longer than I realised. I didn't expect my absence to be noticed, let alone for it to cause the panic I saw in their eyes.

I was so used to staying strong, beating back any emotion that might interfere with taking care of my family, that my eyes stung when they all fussed over me, snapping questions—Kai—offering soft reassurances—Wane—and slamming healing power into my body until my back arched and I howled in pain—Harvey.

When the fire-hot magic stopped punishing my insides, I panted, leaning into Harvey as my head spun and settled.

"Thank you."

He knocked his head into mine. "Any time. What the fuck happened?"

"Hell is falling apart," I replied, catching my breath. "Riots, rebels, spirits everywhere."

"Hell is falling more like," Wynvail muttered, stalking over to give me a once-over. "Still alive then?"

"For now," I replied dryly, earning a surprising smile. I wasn't sure he'd ever smiled at me so genuinely before. It was strange.

"She's … she's not here, is she?" Verena said, making us all jump.

She stood exactly where we'd landed when Wynvail transported us. Her arms were wrapped around herself, and she stared at the room with eyes bright with pain. She looked so young, so afraid.

"Haley's … gone?" She swallowed and looked at us—at Wane and I, the ones who were locked up beside her in that awful place. When I nodded, Verena clenched her jaw and glanced away. "Fuck! Fucking shrivel-dicked motherfucking fuck."