While Smoky calls 911, we hop on our bikes and take off to the ranch.
I know I’ll have to talk to Dad about this eventually, but right now there’s just one person I want to talk to. So, I rush into the bunkhouse and clean myself up before going to The Barn Door. Could use a voice of reason right about now.
There she is, hustling behind the bar, shaking up drinks like nobody’s business. Ivy’s grin stretches ear to ear as she works that cocktail shaker, flashing me a glimpse of her pearly whites.
I sidle up to the bar and lean against it to watch her interact with a couple who can’t keep their hands to themselves. She pours the liquid into two tall shot glasses. “Two Buttery Nipples.”
The man pays for the drinks, hardly paying Ivy any mind as he growls at the woman. “I can’t wait to lick this off your cunt.”
“Me neither,” the woman sighs, leading him away by a leather leash attached to a metal ring on the collar around his neck.
I turn, and my gaze collides with Ivy’s. She takes in the bruise starting to form on my jaw, and her eyes flash wide. I’m grateful she only asks, “Beer or something stronger?”
She laughs and rolls her eyes as she pours a shot of tequila. “Unless you want something fruitier?”
I toss my head back and laugh. “I gotta tell you, Ivy, these California jokes will never get old.”
“We’ll see about that.” She sets a shot and a lager in front of me. “Are you all right, Stone?”
I nod. “I’m good. I promise.” The promise is how I always let her know that I might be hurt or banged up, but it was nothing serious.
Ivy sighs in relief. “Good. What’s up?”
“I need to talk to you.” It’s time to clear the air and maybe apologize for the laundry list of mistakes I’ve made.
Ivy nods, her thick dark curls brushing against her shoulder as she looks around the bar. There’s a wariness in her blue eyes that troubles me. The last thing I want is for Ivy to be guarded around me.
“If now isn’t a good time?”
“It is,” she assures me quickly. “Hazel is going to take over the rest of my shift. She and Saint have something planned, and that’s all I need to know.”
I laugh and work on my drinks while she finishes wiping the bar and cleaning the glasses. Hazel approaches, and they chat for a few minutes before Ivy rounds the bar and heads my way. She’s wearing a denim dress that hits mid-thigh, showing off toned legs and arms, oblivious to all the attention she attracts.
“Ready?” Her smile comes easier today, giving me hope for getting our friendship back on the right track.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” The moment we leave the club, Ivy shivers in the chilly night air. Without thinking, I drape an arm around her to share my warmth. It’s second nature.
She smiles. “How many times have we done this?”
“More times than I can recall because you’re terrible at anticipating the weather.” I bump her hip with mine. “Do you even own a jacket?”
Her head falls back, and a low laugh escapes. “I’m sure I have one…somewhere.”
We bypass my bike in favor of her car. “I’ll drive.”
“I’ll drive,” she emphasizes. “And I have the keys.” Ivy dangles the keys from her fingers, and a triumphant smile lights up her face. I move as if I’m going to snatch the keys, and Ivy shrieks before taking off to her car.
It’s like old times, and I’m still smiling when I slide into the passenger’s seat. “This damn thing is meant for a midget.”
“Just slide the seat back, you big oaf.”
“Oaf?” I laugh as I grip the handle beneath the seat and release it to give myself more legroom. “I think you mean Viking. It’s what all the Old Ladies in California called me.”
Her gaze slides to mine, and she studies me for a long moment. “Yeah, I guess I can see it. But Lord knows your ego doesn’t need me to add to the fire.” The car starts easily, and she drives down the dark road leading to the highway.
The silence is weird at first, but the longer it lasts, the more excruciating it becomes. There’s never been a moment of silence between me and Ivy, not like this, and I cannot fucking handle it.