“Had a meeting with Elizabeth Rixon this afternoon. For some reason, she talked my ear off about how great you are.”
Lizzy! I narrow my eyes and make a mental note to chide her the next time I see her.
Brock’s attention pours over me, a spotlight I’m not built for. “Also, Kate said you were a treasure. My friends liked you.”
“Well, Kate’s the best. And I like your friends, too. That probably sounds weird since I don’t know them, but I’ve listened to the podcast for years… I’ve heard you three talk about everything from trips to the Amazonian rainforest to how to make pizza crust out of cauliflower.”
He chuckles. “So, you know us. You know me…”
“Maybe. Sort of. Not all the way.”
Not all the way…?!
Did I just say that… to my boss?
Oh my gosh. I want to dig a hole and crawl into it. Right this second.
No, thirty seconds ago—whenever those blush-inducing words slipped out of my mouth.
Brock seems to be enjoying the heat that sweeps over my face. He leans into me. His lips are now closer than ever before. His whisper sends a delightful shiver through me. “Can I tell you something? Not a work-ish thing.”
He’s using my word.
That word I used in the studio. Stupid me.
“If it’s not a work-ish thing, maybe we shouldn’t talk about it in the work parking lot.”
“If you’d be my adventure guide, I wouldn’t have to tell you this here. I’d tell you while we were on our adventure.”
“I told you, I’m not cut out for adventures.” Or for hearing this non-workish thing, whatever it is. “Definitely not qualified to guide them. I sit behind a desk, nine-to-five.”
“I think I’m going to tell you anyway. I want to.”
“I might faint.”
He laughs, a low, rumbly laugh that sends a jolt of warm, honey-sweet energy coursing through me. “If you faint, I’ll catch you. You ready?”
I nod.
“Okay. Gwen, I like it when you get flustered. I think it’s charming.”
A warm, happy feeling drips down my limbs.
I’m losing control.
“That isn’t very work-ish, is it?” he says.
“Not really,” I manage, somehow.
He thinks I’m charming? How am I supposed to handle knowing that?
He doesn’t give me time to think. Instead, he gestures to his car. “So, we’ll grab the dogs first, head to the park together…? I could give you a lift since your car is out of commission until the new battery is in place. We’ll kill an hour at the park, then I’ll bring you back here.”
Yep, an hour with Brock just might kill me.