“If I’m going to do as she asked,” I tell Clay, “I don’t have much time.”

“Only ‘til the end of the month.”

“How much does an overnight cost?” I wonder aloud. Since Clay doesn’t carry a phone, checking the price is up to me. I busy myself with that as Clay gets to his feet.

Soon, I know the exact cost of one night in the Queen’s Room: Way too much.

But—I promised my grandmother.

I have to make it happen.

I have to get a room.


“My guess is they’ll be all booked up soon,” Clay says as he looks at the computer screen. “Now that the news is out that this is the last month for overnight stays.”


He’s right.

Everyone who has ever dreamed of staying overnight in the castle will be thinking along the same lines that I am at this moment.

I have to act soon.

The castle staff has probably been swamped with reservations since they announced the upcoming closure.

Well, now I have one more thing to worry about: failing to fulfill my grandmother’s dying wish.

If I don’t make a reservation soon, there’s no way I’ll ever wake up in that four-poster canopy bed.

I’ll never have the chance to feel worthy like Gran wanted.

I close the paper.

Once it’s folded up, I get a glimpse of the evil executive assistant phone. My stomach clenches with anxiety. How is it possible that nine new voicemails came in during my little break?

I knew I’d pay if I took too much time for myself.

No wonder Mandy lost it, I think as I scoop up the phone.

My heart hammers when I tap the text message icon. Will there be any new texts from Brock? We had that moment in his office’s doorway not so long ago.

Has he been thinking about me since then?

Has he sent anything new?

It’s ridiculous how much I want to see a text from him.

Not just a text. A flirty text, with undertones…

I feel my body heat ratchet up. Butterflies stir as I search for his name in the latest round of incoming texts.


Nothing new from him.

My tea’s gone cold. I barely had time to collect my thoughts, and now I have to dive back into managing Brock’s hectic world.