I know that this time with Gwen won’t lead to anything. But that won’t stop me from enjoying her company—for the time being, at least.

Chapter 8


I enter Lizzy’s office without knocking. “I have questions for you, missy,” I announce as I set her cleaned soup pot over near her computer.

She doesn’t stop typing. She won’t look up at me.

That’s how I know she’s guilty.

I perch on the side of her desk. “For starters, do you think I’m dumb or something? You thought I’d buy your little act?”

She keeps her eyes pinned to her computer, poker face in place. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Gwen.”

“Ohhhh ho, ho. Yes, you do.” I swivel my finger at her face. “This is your poker face. You use it all the time, whenever you’re fibbing. You really thought you could get away with this.”

“Get away with what?” She’s keeping her voice perky. Innocent-sounding.

“This stunt you’re trying to pull.”

“I’m not pulling any stunts.”

“Yes, you are! Admit it, Lizzy. I can tell by the way you’re typing away a mile a minute and the way you won’t look at me. You are so guilty, it’s not funny.”

Tap-tap-tap. Her fingers fly across the keyboard.

Oh, so guilty.

I cross my arms over my chest. “So, you’re not up to any mischief, hm? Really?”

“Really.” Her face glows in the blue light of the computer.

“Really…” I repeat. “So, you’re sticking to the story that you posted the assistant job, and no one’s interested. You’ve heard crickets. Isn’t that what you told me on the phone this morning? Crickets?”

She nods.

“So, let me get the story straight. Twenty-four hours have passed since Brock asked you to post the executive assistant job with that sweet salary. Brock says the last time, it was filled within hours. And now that I think about it, I can rattle off a handful of workers in my own department who would fall all over themselves racing to fill out the application. And yet, you’re saying you posted that job and have had zero applicants.”

She finally leans back against her chair and throws both hands up. “Fine! I’m pulling a stunt.”

“You didn’t even post the job!” I cry.

“I can’t, Gwen. Not yet. The minute I post that job, I’ll be flooded with applications.”

“Perfect. Get flooded.”

“Is that really what you want me to do, Gwen? Just sit back and watch this huge opportunity fly straight past you?”

“Yes! That is exactly what I want you to do. This ‘huge opportunity’ is more like a major pain in the butt. I don’t want to run around after Brock, tending to his every need. I have my own work to do, plus the house project in my off-time.”

“As your friend, I refuse to let this pass you by. You have been doing the same thing, year after year, and it’s not getting you anywhere. You are so wonderful, Gwen. You are the best, nicest person I know. But it’s like you don’t see how great you are. You settle for mediocre when you could have amazing.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your life!” she cries, with another big hand gesture. Then she lowers her voice to a whisper. “Men!” she hisses. “Relationships! Obviously.”

“My life is fine,” I whisper back. “And this has nothing to do with relationships.”