Mr. Brown barks like he’s calling for his sister, too. Zoey changes directions, and silvery ripples form a trail behind her as she swims toward shore. She emerges, dripping wet.
“So, that Land Cruiser of yours… is it ready to be christened?” I ask.
Brock frowns, but I can see it’s just for show. “I don’t like the sound of that.”
“Maybe they’ll air dry on the way back to the parking lot.”
“It would probably help if we took the long route. You’re the guide. Is there a trail we could walk on or something?”
“There is a loop that wraps around the pond before turning that way.”
“See? I knew you’d be good at this. You know this territory.”
Hardly, I think, as the dogs join on the shore. We all head for the path that will circle the pond. Brock slips his hand into mine, and joy flickers in the very center of my being.
This is new territory for me. Territory I’m not prepared for.
I don’t know how to handle this.
I’ve crossed the line with Brock, and there is no going back now.
Chapter 14
I hold plank pose, and my whole body trembles with exertion.
But I won’t quit.
It is early. Only five-thirty in the morning.
I’m tired, thanks to another night of tossing and turning. This time, it wasn’t barking that kept me up. I dragged those two dirty dog beds into my bedroom, and both dogs slept just fine, with only a few gentle snores now and then.
I was up because I was thinking about Gwen.
I kissed her yesterday evening. I knew this thing was getting away from me, and there, by the edge of that water, I just couldn’t help it.
It felt so good to walk with her after, hand-in-hand. And when she stopped by later, to give the dogs that last walk of the night, I went with her.
I canceled my coaching call with Bailey Marks for that.
I’ve never canceled a call with Bailey.
What was I thinking?
Bailey Marks is my best client. His sessions net me serious money.
But I chose spending time with Gwen over coaching him.
Gwen and I walked the dogs down the driveway, then back up. I could’ve done that myself, and I told her that. But she said—it still makes me feel happy to remember it—that she wanted to be there with me. Not because I was paying her, but because it was nice to spend time with me.
I’ve never been a guy who has anything to do with that word.
But when Gwen looks up at me with those big blue-green eyes, I want to be a nice guy.
When she lingered in the entryway before departing for the night, I wanted a repeat of our kiss by that pond.