Leo sighs. “Jordan’s right, man. We don’t talk about it with you ‘cause you get like this. But, seriously. You’re thirty-seven. What are you waiting for?”

“I’m not waiting. I don’t wait for anything. I made decisions about my life. I don’t want the same things you guys want.”

“You want to have a family, right?” Jordan asks. “Kids are a lot of work, but they’re awesome. Piper and Julia, man, they make my life full.”

“Are we gonna record this, or what?” I mess with the software, checking that all the settings are right.

Really, I’m blocking them out.

Because they can give me all the advice they want. I won’t hear it.

I know that their families make them happy. I’ve seen Jordan light up around his kids and wife. I’ve seen him mature, grow, and become a better person, a better man. And I know Leo is the same with Bri. They’ll have their daughter soon.

Leo clicks his computer. “Jordan, we’ve nagged him enough. Any more, and he’ll be cranky for the episode.”

“Hang on. One more thing,” Jordan says. “Just one more.” He points to the door. “That Gwen woman is nice. You guys clearly click. I mean, you looked like a couple over there. You both looked ridiculously happy to see each other.”

Leo nods. “I saw it, too. You guys couldn’t get enough of each other. You got chemistry with her.”

“For your sake, Brock,” Jordan says, “Don’t let that go to waste.”

I stoop to pick up the ball of paper Jordan chucked at me earlier. “Big words of wisdom coming from the butthead that threw paper at me five minutes ago like a class clown.” I lob the crumpled paper at his head, but he catches it.

He laughs and chucks it at the wall. It ricochets off and into the bin. “All right, fine. I’m a butthead, but so are you. Are we gonna record this thing, or what?”

“Let’s do it,” I say.

I get busy hooking my mic to my laptop. Inside, I’m at war.

They say I have chemistry with Gwen.

I know they’re right. This thing between us is growing fast, and if I’m not careful, I’m going to let it get the best of me.

But I have to be careful with her.

I can’t do anything stupid. I can’t cross any lines—even though that is exactly what I want to do.

Chapter 12


Five o’clock has never, ever felt as welcome as it does right now.

When the clock on the wall strikes the hour, I hop out of my seat and grab my purse. I’ve already packed everything into it—my water bottle, my planner, my cell, the dreaded pink cell, and the evil executive assistant tablet, as I’ve started calling it.

Within seconds, I’m out the door, sucking in a gulp of fresh air.

Today was confusing.

It’s not over yet, but at least I can leave the Epic Elevate building.

I need to put some space between Brock and me.

I made a fool of myself in the podcast studio, getting all mushy around him. There I was, acting like his friends were my friends. I probably seemed like some gushy fan, and I’m sure they laughed about it the minute I departed.

Then there was the way I cozied up to Brock as if we were besties. I stood close to him, made eye contact, and basically acted like anything except his hired help.

Which is what I am.