“No, really. What?” I say again, like an idiot.

His eyes simmer as he stares at me. “When did you start with the company, Gwen?”

It’s really bad how much I like the sound of my name on his lips. I swallow hard, like I’m trying to gulp down the wave of attraction. “Uh… Six years ago.”

He keeps those gorgeous, brown eyes locked on me. “Is that right… six years?”

I break my eyes away from him. It is way too dangerous to look into those chocolate-brown pools.

I tuck the key into the side pocket of my quilted purse, then loop the long strap over my shoulder.

After giving each dog a hug goodnight, I head for the door.

When I reach it, I turn to face Brock. The silence between us feels awkward, and I itch to fill it. “I started in the shipping department a week after you opened the doors of the Windsor Epic Elevate headquarters. I’ve been at the same desk all that time. You pass by me every morning.”

He studies me.

He looks as though he’s deep in thought, but I have no idea what’s going through his mind. “Hunh. Is that right? Well… Okay then.”

I wait for him to thank me for coming over this late.

He doesn’t.

“Goodnight, Gwen,” he says.

And that’s it.

With a sigh, I open the door and step out into the brisk autumn night air.

As I walk to my car, I realize it was foolish of me to hope he’d end the visit with an expression of gratitude.

Mandy quit in tears because of his selfish ways. Why would he be any different with me?

Once in my car, I try to shake off the energy that coursed through me when he touched my hand.

Then I dig deeper and try to uproot the pesky, sneaky feelings of attraction that sprouted up with that first photo of him and the dogs and then kept growing bigger, like weeds.

He’s my monster of a boss, I remind myself for the hundredth time.

I pull out of my parking spot slowly, still lost in thought.

When I take one last peek at his house, I see his tall, strong, muscular form leaning against the doorway.

He’s watching me leave.

I’m glad about that, for some reason. It makes me feel good to be the object of his attention.

I want more time with him. More flirting. More touching.

That is so wrong, but that’s what I want. I’ll be back in the morning, the fangirl in me thinks happily as I hang a left and merge onto the street.

Chapter 7


I should be at work right now.

I should be on the treadmill at the Epic Elevate gym, getting my run in while dictating notes about the upcoming podcast on my phone.