His lack of response reminds me that this late-evening communication between us is very far from romantic.
Sure, he summoned me to his house, but this is not for personal reasons. This is purely professional.
What is up with these dogs? I wonder as I pull away from the curb.
The names jog my memory, and as I drive, I realize why: Kate Benson mentioned Zoey and Mr. Brown earlier today when I was on the phone with her. Are they her dogs? Are they at Brock’s now?
Why does he need dog care for seven days?
That particular request sets my teeth on edge. Finding care for two dogs, especially at this late notice, is a tall order—one I don’t think I’ll be able to check off the to-do list. Brock would call this attitude of mine ‘negative,’ but I prefer ‘realistic.’ I honestly doubt that any of the dog boarding places will have openings.
Fall is a busy time of year here in Windsor. The leaf-peepers are crowded into hotel rooms in hoards, which means local doggy hotels are also maxed out.
I’ll make some calls once I get more info about the situation, I decide.
Eight minutes later, I cruise up his long, sweeping driveway. Brock’s mansion looks even more massive at night. Impressive outdoor lighting casts an elegant glow over the shrubbery and the columns that line the front portico.
A muffled barking rings out behind the front door.
I don’t bother ringing the bell this time. I know Leena isn’t around to answer this late at night, and Brock has already told me he’ll be in his office.
I push the door open gently and greet the ball of fur that hurdles into me.
This must be Zoey, I think, as my hands sweep over her silky coat.
Zoey is, apparently, incredibly happy to see a human. She showers me in wet puppy-kisses, wags her tail a mile a minute, and whines with need.
When Mr. Brown hobbles my way and gives a low wine, too, I know what my first chore of this unexpected visit will be: These two need to go out. I quickly spot two harnesses and leashes, and then kneel by the dogs to get them ready for the outing.
For the next hour, I stay with the two furbabies. I walk them, feed them, and most of all, love on them. Zoey seems to need constant attention. And once I’ve given Mr. Brown a bacon-flavored treat from a stash I find, he seems to want lots of attention, too.
“So, that’s all it takes to win you over, hm?” I tease the elderly dog once post-walk treats have been doled out.
I’m on the floor now, sitting cross-legged with Zoe’s head on my lap.
Mr. Brown plops the teddy bear he’s been carting around onto my lap.
“Oh, you think if you give me your favorite toy, I’ll give you more yummies, hm? You silly old geezer.” I move my fingers so they’re under his chin. “Look at you… all this silver fur. Handsome fella, aren’t you?”
He licks my face.
I can’t help but laugh. “You’re a big goof like your sister. Underneath the tough guy act… And now you’re giving me your teddy weddy. How nice of you to share.”
“Ah hem…” The deep sound surprises me.
I cringe.
Where is he?
I stop ruffling Mr. Brown’s fur, and twist so I can see more of the room.
My boss stands at the edge of the massive entryway. His hands are in the pockets of his Epic Elevate sweatpants. His T-shirt sleeves hug his massive biceps. A tattoo ripples down one arm. More tattoos decorate the underside of his forearm.
I realize suddenly I’m camped out on his floor, sitting cross-legged. Zoey’s head, resting on my lap, tugs at one side of my cardigan so that my whole sweater is stretched and off-kilter. My hair’s falling over one eye. I kicked my clogs off, and they’re strewn haphazardly not far away.
While I scramble to my feet and straighten my cardigan, he watches as if he’s puzzled.